How much would it suck to be another parent at Blue Ivy Carter‘s Los Angeles primary school?
If my mum had ever turned up to my school dressed in a tiger-print, sequinned mini dress and attempted to climb on stage, I’d have called in reinforcements to neutralise her.
However, when the mother in question is Beyonce, this kind of behaviour is cause for celebration – and commiseration among other, less gifted mothers.
Watch it and weep… Post continues after video.
Not only would there be no competition as to whose ensemble rocked it better at the school gates, but you’d also have to put up with your children asking why you didn’t put on a charity concert at school, and how come you aren’t capable of belting out a brilliant rendition of Whitney Houston doing Dolly Parton’s I Will Always Love You?
This is Yonce’s first performance since her Chris-Martin-overshadowing turn at the Superbowl.