
When Aziz Ansari's name was called at the SAG Awards, the room response was very telling.

The #MeToo movement has brought hundreds of accounts of sexual assault and misconduct bubbling into public consciousness.

There have been accusations of rape; assault; manipulation; exploitation; men pulling their penises out in conference rooms; others masturbating while talking to women on the phone.

For the most part, all of these accounts have been met with public support. The abusers are condemned and the woman’s bravery is, rightly so, applauded.

One account, however, was different. Backlash and debate followed an expose accusing comedian and actor Aziz Ansari of sexual misconduct. And now, the 34-year-old is avoiding public appearances and the rest of Hollywood… Well, no one quite knows what to do with him.

Last night Ansari didn’t attend the Screen Actors Guild Awards in Los Angeles, California, even though he was nominated for an award as outstanding actor in a comedy series.

Not only was his absence noted, but when his name was called during the ceremony as a category nominee, the room stayed completely silent.

The actor didn’t receive applause, People reports, and when the category winner William Macy of Shameless mentioned Ansari in his speech, the crowd did not react.

Aziz Ansari. (Photo via Getty)

This comes after a Brooklyn photographer, 23, last week accused Ansari of sexual coercion in the wake of the #MeToo movement.

She was interviewed by using the pseudonym 'Grace' and her story was one so many women can relate to, but which people are finding difficult to define. Some are labelling it 'sexual assault' while others say it's just 'bad sex'.

Ansari, Grace alleges, misread her physical cues and kept pushing to have sex when the pair went back to his apartment after a dinner date.

LISTEN: The Mamamia Out Loud team discuss the allegations against Aziz Ansari, and things get a little heated. Post continues after audio.


She called it the "worst night of her life" and said Ansari continued pressing her, even when she asked him to "take it slow".

The Master of None star denied there was anything non-consensual about their date, and said the first time he knew 'Grace' was uncomfortable was when she messaged him the next day.

"The next day, I got a text from her saying that although ‘it may have seemed okay,’ upon further reflection, she felt uncomfortable," he said in a statement, People reports. "It was true that everything did seem okay to me, so when I heard that it was not the case for her, I was surprised and concerned. I took her words to heart and responded privately after taking the time to process what she had said."

The whole episode has sparked a heated conversation.

Many have accused of damaging the #MeToo movement with an account that could be put down to a misunderstanding. And others have pointed out Ansari's hypocrisy as someone who calls himself a feminist and always plays the "nice guy" in his comedy.

No matter your thoughts on the allegations, however, Ansari's image has clearly taken a hit. And, if last night is anything to go by, the transforming industry isn't prepared to let him get away with it... Whatever 'it' might be.


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