
There's one very easy way to tell whether you date is likely to ghost you.

Plenty of you swimming around the murky waters of the dating pool will be all too familiar with the concept of ghosting.

For the rest of you lucky fish, it’s basically when your date suddenly vanishes from your life – no communication, no explanation, just gone.

But it turns out there’s a pretty simple way to work out whether it’s likely to happen to you, and you can find it right there in your date’s online profile.

We’re talking about their age.

According to research conducted by online dating website RSVP in conjunction with Nielsen, the most likely people to lose interest and completely ghost their date are those between 30 and 39.

In fact, 12 per cent of them have admitted doing exactly that. The sneaky buggers.

Thirty-somethings be like…


On top of that, the study of 3800 singles also found that dirty thirty-somethings are also the most likely age group to tell lies in order to get out of a date.

Nearly one third of them owned up to that one.

While things are clearly murky in the middle, the most loyal love seekers are actually at the either end of the spectrum. (Post continues after gallery.)

The under 19-year-olds claimed to be the least likely to ghost, followed closely by those aged 60 plus.

Might be time to broaden the pool…

Have you ever been ghosted? Or have you ghosted someone? Tells us you experience in the comments below.

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