
Millennials share exactly how much money is sitting in their bank accounts right now.

As a millennial, I often wonder how I’m tracking compared to everyone else.

Am I good with money? How much is everyone else… saving? ARE they saving? What do they spend the most money on week to week? Do they have… a… strategy?

Basically, I’m an inherently nosey individual, and I’m guessing you clicked because you are too.

I decided to find out for the snoopers out there, and anonymously surveyed 11 fellow millennials. Here’s what they told me…

Help me

A 27-year-old digital producer is in dire straits right now, simply trying to “make rent and eat” every week. With a bit of an, erm, credit card situation, little funds are left after paying off debt, leaving them with no savings strategy whatsoever.

They’ve got $78.10 in the bank.

Getting by

For a 27-year-old in the media, it’s important to just “get by” every month. With sky-high rent prices in Sydney, this millennial doesn’t splash cash on anything fancy, but is determined to not deny herself the “essentials” of coffee and wine.

She currently has “WAY too many” bank accounts, and her total savings equals $410.

LISTEN: The Mamamia Out Loud team discuss why it might be that millennials are having their midlife crises so early. Post continues after. 

What is this “savings” you speak of?

When you’re 23, living at home, and a public relations assistant with little more than a $100 phone bill to pay every month, expenses are fairly minimal. But an entry-level salary means this millennial has $1300 at their disposal.

No strategy, just sheer optimism

One 29-year-old respondent, who is a news writer, said they have little direction when it comes to matters of money and finance. Instead, they ‘begin the month with optimism, and end up with $10 to tide me over until pay day.’


Their biggest expenditure is monthly rent, and they currently have $2190 in their bank account.

Death by rent

For a 28-year-old HR advisor who spends a whopping $2000 per month on rent, it’s hard to save. While they attempt to pop away 10 per cent of their monthly pay, bills and rent make it hard, leaving them with $8,105 in the bank.


Spending $2000 every month on rent is bound to make things tricky. (Image: iStock)

It's all in the app

Saving means being technologically savvy for this 23-year-old full time student. With their biggest expenditure being "food, socialising and buying clothes", they turn to an app called Fifty Two+ every week, which sets aside $1 for week one of the year, and $2 for week two and so on. They also move over whatever is left in their spending account at the end of each week, which "can be $150 or could be $20 depending on what I spend."

They've got $8,535 dollar dollar bills.

Go with the flow

This 25-year-old hairdresser has no money saving strategy. Living at home, with a bit of a shopping obsession in tow, she saves a varying amount month-to-month. And it seems to be working out okay, because she's got $11,000 to play with.

Black and white

A 22-year-old administration clerk says their bank is looking pretty darn good at the moment. Living at home, and with little expenses past their food obsession, they put away a "large percentage of their pay every week".

Their bank balance? A cool $24,000.

A 22-year-old administration clerk says their bank is looking pretty darn good at the moment. (Image: iStock)

Cash Queen

For a 26-year-old midwife, who spends the majority of her pay check on rent in Melbourne, saving money really isn't a problem.

Putting $600 into her savings every fortnight, this healthcare professional has a tidy $32,000 to her name.

Only what I need

A 23-year-old manager, who works with the NBN, chooses to spend money only on what they need - food and rent. That strict approach has clearly paid off in dividends, because they've currently got a massive $60,000 in the bank.

Aim high

For a 26-year-old in public relations, it's all about "putting away $1000 at the start of the month and trying my best to match it at the end of the month". They might not always quite make it, but either way - they're trying.

While their pay check is chewed down by rent ($925 a month) and food, they're sitting on $61,000 right now.

What's your saving strategy?

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