
Adelaide Stratton almost died in the Nice terrorist attack. Now, she's met the man who saved her life.

Adelaide Stratton is 22 years old.

From the videos and pictures she’s posted on social media, we see a vivacious and curious young woman.

Earlier this year, Adelaide travelled to Nice with three friends to celebrate France’s national holiday, Bastille Day.

On July 16, she spent her hours exploring the city with footage of vibrant celebrations just minutes before the unthinkable would occur.

After getting off the bus with her friend, Marcus Anderson, the two of them were hit by a truck. It was driven by Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhel, the terrorist behind the horrific Nice attack that killed 86 people.

australian in nice attack

Adelaide before the attack occurred. Image via Channel 7.

Adelaide was virtually left for dead after Marcus collapsed from the injuries he suffered— he sustained broken ribs and a punctured lung that left him unable to walk.

But, in her exclusive interview with Chris Bath for Sunday Night, Adelaide has revealed the man who kept her alive.

When she regained consciousness, she found someone who was gripping onto her hand.

"I was lying on the ground in pain with what I knew was blood dripping down my face. I didn't know where my friends were," Adelaide recalls.

"I just remembered his face and his long hair coming over. I knew he couldn't speak English, because he wasn't telling me what was going on. He was just looking at me and squeezing my hand. He made sure I always had his face to look at."

That man was a French citizen, Patrick Sergent, who despite the imminent danger, stayed in the carnage to find anyone still living.

Patrick and Adelaide. Image via Facebook.

"The truck missed us and I went to see if I could help people maybe still alive," Patrick explained.

"She [Adelaide] gripped my hand strongly. I was both very sad but happy to see someone was alive ... I just couldn't leave her alone."

Throughout the entire ordeal, as police shot dead the perpetrator of the attacks and lying among 85 bodies, Patrick didn't leave Adelaide.

He simply held her hand the entire time, even in the ambulance, and she never let go. He also attempted to shield her from the horrifying scene surrounding them.


Adelaide sustained injuries that could have been fatal, with the base of her head crushed, a permanent scar across her forehead, and burn marks on her leg from when she was dragged by the truck.

Tonight's episode of Sunday Night showcased the agonising, yet what her mum Chontel describes as "comical" side to Adelaide's ongoing recovery.

Chontel, who has just been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis earlier this year, defied doctors and flew over France to be with her daughter.

He never let go of her hand. Image via Facebook.

Yet it was the emotional reunion between Adelaide and Patrick that formed the centrepiece of tonight's episode. Initially, Adelaide didn't recognise him but through touch, their connection was instantaneous.

"He grabbed his hair, and I remembered exactly who he was."

"I think our looks conveyed it. Words were of no use ... we were just connected," she said.

Adelaide is still speechless about what to say to Patrick, her saviour.

"How do you thank someone who saved your life? ... He is the bravest man I've ever met. What kind of person does that?"

In an absolutely beautiful twist, Patrick flew all the way from France to Australia in a surprise visit.

Quite quickly, the two are reduced to tears and even though he can't speak English, they are forever connected.

Featured image: Channel 7/screenshot

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