
SAY WHAT? There are six whole tests you should pass before deciding on your baby's name.

Baby names are very personal, they are reflective of the individual bearing the name but also of those who gave the name. Whether the name you choose for your boy or girl is traditional, symbolic or unique, a name is something that will be with most people for life.

Baby names, particularly in 2019, are also something that everyone seems to have an opinion about. Take Australian blogger Constance Hall’s recent arrival, Raja, for example. Her baby’s name and how to pronounce it has been a hot topic of conversation, which led her partner, Denim Cooke, to wear a t-shirt explaining how to pronounce it correctly

But as it turns out, there are an array of baby naming ‘tests’ you can take to ensure you’re choosing the right one. And while I have named two children (just without testing them in accordance with this prior) it’s likely that pretty soon, you will require a PHD in child naming to do so effectively.

Along with the ‘playground’ test there are lists and lists of countless others that are meant to assist parents when choosing a name for their child. All I can say is I am relieved that I do not have to name any more children because it seems like very hard work.

Here are some of these tests and guidelines that one should complete and consider prior to naming a baby:

The ‘Playground’ Test.

So it turns out that this test (if you had no idea like me) is testing the effectiveness of a name if you need to shout it out across a playground. Does it sound ridiculous? Does it rhyme or could it be misconstrued with something unflattering? For example, Colon (yes, a real name). If the answer is no, then you are home free.


The ‘Bad Vibes’ Test.

Basically if there is a name of a version of a name that is associated with anyone who has had any negative impact on you or anyone to do with you or it just gives you a feeling of “yuck” then that is a no.

No food, stripper or offensive names.

If you’re considering Strawberry, Chyna or Messiah, you are basically setting your child up for ridicule, limited career options and the possibility of being shunned in some countries.

The ‘Basic Internet’ Test.

Is the name in its full state (first name and surname) the same as a serial killer or a historical dictator or some other questionable human? Best check.  

The ‘Can You Pronounce It and Spell It’ Test.

Now I can say with my own name (not left of centre but moderately unique status), Shona, that I have spent hours of my life pronouncing and spelling my name for various reasons. But in saying that, I know people named Bob that have had to do the same thing. So, I say whatever to this.

The ‘Three Matts in Every Classroom’ Test (sorry Matt).

Check the popular names list, if the name you are thinking of is on there remove it from yours (for reference I failed this test when I named my daughter Milla, oops).

Below are the most popular boys and girls names given to Australian babies in 2018 so far, according to McCrindle:


But at the end of the day, the best advice I can offer is to choose the name that you like the most, not what everyone else is telling you. I am not sure how this works in conjunction with the other guidelines but I think for me personally, this was the best piece of advice provided to me.

So, with all of this can I just say, good luck to anyone having to choose the ‘perfect’ name for their child in the future.

What name did you choose for your baby? How did you decide? Tell us in the comments section below. 

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