
Sam Armytage: "I'm not going to be impartial about this. I'm furious."

The Saudi Arabian soccer team has come under fire after failing to honour a minute’s silence for the victims of the London terror attack at a game against Australia.

And Sunrise host Sam Armytage has joined the chorus of voices condemning the behaviour.

“It’s bloody disgraceful. I’m so angry about this today and we’re thinking of the families of the two girls who were killed even more so,” Armytage said on Friday morning.

“I’m not going to be impartial about this, I’m furious about this.”

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Armytage says the decision was disrespectful to the families of the victims. Source: Channel 7.

Armytage is not alone. Thousands of outraged Australians have taken to social media to share their disgust at what's being called a lack of respect by many.

The incident occurred on Thursday evening in Adelaide, when prior to kicking off their World Cup qualifying match, the Australian soccer team held a minute's silence to honour the eight people - including Australians Sara Zelenak and Kristy Bowden - killed in Saturday's London terror attack.

It is understood that the Saudi Arabian team was forewarned about the minute's silence and advised officials they would not participate, and instead used the time to stretch and warm up for the match.

"The Saudis said they would move off to the side, but it wasn't part of their culture to do this," Armytage said. "That didn't happen. How could it be against someone's culture to respect innocent civilians who have been slaughtered?"

Listen: Sam Armytage talks to Mia Freedman about life in the spotlight. Post continues... 

During the uproar, Today host Lisa Wilkinson pointed out that there is footage of the Saudi Arabian soccer team honouring a minute's silence at a Brazilian soccer match in 2016.

The Saudi Arabian Football Federation has since released a statement saying they "deeply regret" any offence caused by the decision.

"The Saudi Arabian Football Federation deeply regrets an unreservedly apologises for any offence caused by the failure of some members of the representative team of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to formally observe the one minute's silence in memory of the victims of the London terrorist attack," the statement reads.

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The Australians held a minute's silence while the Saudi Arabians warmed up. Source: Getty.

"The players did not intend any disrespect to the memories of the victims or to cause upset to their families, friends or any individual affected by the atrocity."

Australia beat Saudi Arabia 3-2 in the match.

What do you think about Saudi Arabia's decision? Let us know in the comments section below. 

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