real life

Eight people share the beautiful reasons why they are becoming Australian citizens today.

People come to Australia for many different reasons.

There’s the warmer weather, for one. The beaches. The “barbies” full of “shrimps”…that one was a let down to be honest.

But it also represents a new start; a chance at a better life. New opportunities for you, your children, their children.

A place where a child gets to be a child, where through hard work anything is possible and everyone is promised a “fair go”.

It is, after all, the ‘lucky country’.

For thousands of people across the country, today marks the day they can finally, officially call themselves “Australians” as they accept citizenship to the place they now call home.

It's an exciting and emotional process.

We spoke to a few people taking the plunge at the Lord Mayor’s Citizenship Ceremony in Sydney - and they couldn't be more excited.

"I'm as passionate about being Australian as I am about being Zambian," says Irene, who moved to Sydney when she was offered a job with Oxfam Australia.

Irene. Image: Supplied/Mamamia

"Being a mum [to eight month old Selina] I thought it was the right time for me to take up citizenship and demonstrate to Selina my commitment to her home, her country.

"I hope I can give back to the country as much, if not more than, I have been given by being a good citizen and making a positive contribution to society and being a positive role model to other new Australians and future generations of Australians".

Saeideh made the move from Iran in 2009 and studied a masters in business administration at Newcastle University.

She now has a full-time job managing a successful business centre in the city and says she knew Australia was the right place "from the very first moment."


Image: Supplied/Mamamia

"The opportunity I was given was equal to the opportunity given to all that are born and grew up here," she says.

"In Australia, I feel like I can grow," explains Julie, who emigrated from France.

She first came to Australia for a four month internship at Griffith University and quickly fell in love with the country.

"After completing my PhD in France, I purchased a one way ticket to Australia with no plan and no job - just the love for the country. I was lucky enough to find a post-doctoral position at the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute to work on Congenital Heart Disease," she says.

"It has been five years now and I am still enjoying my job at the same place. I met my partner in Sydney and we are both becoming Australians together.

"Just being part of this multicultural pot - I feel honoured."

Listen: We need to talk about that Australia Day lamb ad.

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