
5 simple ways you can support Aussie business.







We all think it doesn’t matter I suppose. We are all just one person in a country of over 22 million. How on earth can we make a difference to the local Australian economy when we are but one very small fish in an enormous pond?

Here’s the thing though, it doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. It doesn’t even require much change in lifestyle at all. It simply requires recognition. And it requires the want to help, even in a small way. Because all the little things eventually mount up to something big and becomes something that changes not only our own ways, but those of the greater community.

Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored by Aussie Farmers Direct. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words.

So how can you help support and do your bit for local and Australian businesses?

1.  Holiday at Home. I know, it looks amazingly cheap that Bali holiday doesn’t it? It certainly is and you should definitely get yourself there. But first, before you lock it in, have you looked around and thought about your own beautiful backyard? Australia is, without doubt, one of the most diverse, beautiful and interesting countries in the world. Those dollars you are about to spend overseas could help your own local economy an untold amount of times over. From the booking at the caravan park, to the dinner in the local bowls club to spending some dollars in the independent small town book store, it’s all giving back and helping our local businesses.

Buy as fresh and locally as possible.

2.  Avoid buying packaged and imported goods. More importantly, buy as fresh and locally as possible. Most communities have local farmer’s markets. Sure, you may have to give up a Sunday sleep in, but believe me, those snow peas that snap in two and stay fresh for weeks is more than compensation. You are not only supporting the local grower, you are safe in the knowledge you aren’t buying preserved products.


3.  Buys a Hills Hoist. Or at least the proverbial one. I know it seems as though every day we hear about an Australian institution being sold off overseas but believe me when I tell you, there are plenty of local and amazing companies out there ready to provide you with any supply or service you need. Whether it is a lawn mower, a heater, speakers or an air conditioner, you can CHOOSE to buy the Australian made version.

4.  Watch Australian content. Whether it be at a cinema or simply at home on your television, this is a choice that we make with both our remote controls and our wallets. Australia makes some bloody good content. It is intelligent, hilarious and often underappreciated. The more you watch, the more the ratings go up, the more Australian advertising dollars are invested and the more networks invest in home-grown content.

Have a nice dinner out with the family.

5.  Eat out. I know we are all watching our pennies but instead of just investing in the fast food joint every week, how about you take the time to head on down to your local Chinese or Indian or fish and chip shop, or anything that is simply, local small business. The thing is, NO ONE gets into the restaurant business for the hours. They get into it because it’s their passion and they want to provide quality food and build relationships with their customers. In doing so, they support the local growers and in turn, the local economy.


The thing is, you have no idea how many people you can influence and help just by sharing your experiences and insights when buying and sourcing locally. It really is so easy to do. Best of all, one person really can make a difference.


Aussie Farmers Direct is an independently owned, multiple award winning home delivery food business that sources fresh 100% Australian owned, grown and produced food, and delivers it direct to the doors of more than 130,000 households across six states of Australia. Aussie Farmers Direct is offering Mamamia subscribers the opportunity to join their service via the purchase of a Seasonal Fruit & Veg Box at an introductory price of $13.00 PLUS Free Home Delivery! That’s 50% off! Enjoy the convenience of online grocery shopping while supporting the Australian Farmers. Visit this page for all the offer details.


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