real life

Aussie mums tell: Start saving now. Your kids are only going to cost you more...

iBlog Friday is our weekly roundup of the best of Aussie parenting bloggers. This week our supermums have tales of germs, grubs, rashes and kids that are just too smart for their own good.

Erin Giansiracusa of The Mum’s Group farewells her baby boy on his first day of school in her post My little boy isn’t so little anymore.

It is with a heavy heart and a big fat lump in my throat that I write these words, for today my eldest son is heading off to kindergarten for the first time.

It might sound like a cliche but it honestly feels like he was born a week ago and lifted onto my chest belting out those first screams.

Read the rest of Erin’s post here.

Jody Scott-Greer of Six Little Hearts shares her tips on one of the most painful experiences in a baby's life, nappy rash in her post The low-down on nappy rash.

What a mean Mummy I am, photographing my baby daughter in an unfair light. I think this Little Miss is my most photographed child yet - the good, the bad, the ugly and the blogged. I have had the idea for this post for a while. After 6 kids, there's been plenty of sore bottoms to soothe and heal. When I was contacted to try out WaterWipes, I thought I might as well throw in a trial and little giveaway too. Nice and tidy! Miss Celeste has been an on / off happy child of late. Being (just turned) 14 months is a tough gig when you are growing teeth, trying new foods and stuck in a big paper nappy 24 hours a day.

I feel sorry for you my little Googy, really I do.

Read the rest of Jody's post here.

Caylie Jeffery of Distractions of a Busy Mother can't believe how much life has changed for families since the days when homes were actually affordable, in her post The New Australian Dream.

Do you remember the Real Estate ads from the ’70s about the Great Australian Dream. You know the ones – where we were all brain-washed into hocking ourselves up to the eyeballs in a bid to leave poverty behind us? We sold our souls to the banks just so we could say we ‘owned’ our piece of space, our house, our grass and the car that sat in our driveway…


Read the rest of Caylie's post here.

Meg Hanan of Mumdainty thought her child's immune system could withstand the start of preschool but now admits she was completely naive, in her post Underneath the fever.

When my daughter started child care earlier this month, I knew that we would be up against a steady wave of daycare ailments and illnesses, resplendent and resilient in all their combined snotty, sniffly, snuffly glory.

While I am not entirely naive, my first-time-mummy-self optimistically believed there would be an adjustment period, a blissful and relatively sustained snot-free time in the sand box before the first illness set in.

Read the rest of Meg's post here.

Shelley Marsh of Money Mummy explains exactly how much parents need to tuck away for their children's education in her post Saving for your child's education.

Education is expensive.  Even if you have no intention of sending your child to a private school, the costs associated with your local public school soon add up.  There are books, shoes, uniforms, excursions and after school activities.  The costs seem endless.   This is not even to start thinking about costs of higher education should they choose to go on to university or TAFE and you want to help them out.  So how do you afford to pay for it all?


Read the rest of Shelley's post here.

Kathryn Boyd of Katzrambles explores her feelings about the fact her children have found out she's a fraud, in her post What happens when my kids find out I'm a fraud.

At the moment my children are at an age where I can comfort them, fix their problems and provide them answers … but what happens when this is no longer the case?

What happens when their problems can no longer be fixed with a tissue and a milkshake? What happens when they grow up and find out that I’m not perfect, I don’t know everything and I still don’t have life figured out?

Read the rest of Kathryn's post here.

This week's winner will receive the brilliant book Monster Primary School by Michael Paulsen and D.K. Jacobs.

Being the new kid at a school is never easy. However, when all the teachers and students at that school are monsters -­ well that's downright scary. Patrick McSweeney just happens to be the new kid and he's about to find out if he has what it takes to survive fourth grade at Monster Primary School.

Will Pat be able to fit in and make friends or will he need to call upon his secret weapon and defeat these monsters?

To purchase your own copy of Monster Primary School click here or like it on Facebook.

The winner of this week’s iBlog Friday will be announced on Monday and published. If you’d like to enter the competition please send your submission to by midday on Thursday.

Good luck!

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