
Road test: “I used an at-home IPL machine to remove unwanted hair. Here’s what happened.”

Remington i-LIGHT® Smooth Sense IPL
Thanks to our brand partner, Remington i-LIGHT® Smooth Sense IPL

Got hairy bits you don’t want to be hairy? Wondered about permanent hair removal but get confused by the difference between IPL and laser (and let’s not even get started on all the confusing marketing jargon at the various hair removal salons)?

An awesome place to start is at-home Intense Pulse Light. It’s great because you can do it when you want (no appointments necessary) and you can use it on areas you might otherwise feel…erm…self conscious, to show a total stranger.

A quick rundown on how an at-home IPL machine works:

The device emits a flash which light heats up the hair’s melanin, and the act of heating it up disables the hair follicle beneath the skin which results in the hair follicle shedding naturally, and regrowth is prevented.

We now know that IPL targets the hair’s melanin (AKA the colour) so essentially the hair needs to be darker than the skin.

A quick reminder that IPL is not ideal on blonde, red, grey or white hair as the strands needs to contain melanin. Oh, and skin tone also comes into play. If the skin underneath is darker than the hair you’re trying to remove, IPL is not for you.

On average it takes three treatments, two weeks apart, to start to see results. You’ll then need top up treatments and the timing of those varies on each person’s hair growth cycle. The good news is you can just whip the machine out at home and commence said treatment whenever you see the area needs tending to again.


In the interest of investigative hair removal journalism I asked two Mamamians, Renny and Elissa, to try the Remington i-LIGHT® Smooth Sense device at home. Here’s what happened.

Remington IPL road test
That's Renny on the left and Elissa on the right.


Please describe your colouring:

“I'm very fair, with freckly (fine, moley) skin. In summer if I stay out in the sun for too long, I don't tan. I burn, I peel, and sometimes I even blister. I've got dark brown hair, and a lot of it on my head, but also a lot of it on my body.”


What part(s) of the body or face did you use it on?

“Underarms, snail trail, bikini line and my toes.”

Chat me through your first session. Was it easy to use? Did it hurt? How long did it take?

“It was super easy to set up, plug it into the power point and flick the switch on. You receive two nozzles, a small one for the finer parts of your body and also a bigger nozzle.”

“I used the bigger nozzle for my bikini line. I sat myself down on the floor and pressed the device onto my skin - it makes a little sound when it's ready and all you need to do is press the button. The pain is like any IPL treatment - it feels like a rubber band flicking you slightly - the pain lasts around two seconds and then it's over.”

“For my bikini area it took around five minutes on both sides. Likewise for my underarms. And around three zaps on my toes and my snail trail.”

How long until hair grew back and when did you do your second session?

“I did my second session around two weeks after the first as that's what is advised. I've now done four sessions all up.”

“As I've said, my hair is very coarse, but I'm finding that the laser is making a huge difference in the texture of my hair. It's a lot finer since using the IPL, and there isn't as much of it.”


“The spot it's made the biggest difference is my bikini line for sure. On my third session I noticed that my hair was growing back in smaller patches, and some places it didn't come back at all.”

Overall thoughts and feelings?

“I found this device super easy to use. I like that you don't have to book an appointment at a laser place, drive there and wait for an appointment - you can do it any time you like. Plus, it's also handy for the males in your life. I've started using it on my boyfriend's back - and he loves it. He's now asking if we can get the device out to 'zap his back'.”

Remington IPL road test
Cya, toe hair.


Please describe your colouring:

“I'm pale with olive undertones and I have what I’d call medium brown hair.”

What part(s) of the body or face did you use it on?

“Full legs, under arms and the nether region.”

Chat me through your first session. Was it easy to use? Did it hurt? How long did it take?

“The machine itself is easy to use. I like how it wont 'zap' unless it's properly placed. Some areas are tricky to get and it can be awkward holding the machine, but that’s not to say you can't get to those areas."

“It hurt. I won't lie. The nether region was hard to get through. I would suggest asking your yoni egg person to help out. Mine couldn't so unfortunately I had to persevere and psyche myself up to press the button each time. The underarms were fine because they were so easy to get through. The legs hurt a little around the knee area.”

“The underarms took only five minutes to get through and as I went with the second and third treatments, the legs and nether region got quicker and quicker as you get used to the sensation and how to hold the machine. The legs took around 20 minutes as it was just a larger area to get through, and the vagina around five to 10 minutes.”


How long until hair grew back and when did you do your second session?

“The hair for me grew back quite normally up until the third treatment which was when I started to see a difference. I'm quite hairy so I expected this. Every two weeks I completed a treatment. The underarms I have found have had the best results. When the hair grows back it's nowhere near as much or as thick.”

“With the vagina I'm now starting to see results after the third treatment. It grows back patchy and in some areas not at all. So I can see that the machine is working its magic.”

“For the legs, the hair is definitely more sparse, but I feel this will take a few more treatments as well to really see the results that I want.”

Overall thoughts and feelings?

“I will continue to use the machine as I can see results! It hurts but I'm getting quicker which psychologically makes me feel like I'm dealing with less pain. It really helps watching some Netflix while you zap away!"

Keen to give it a crack for yourself? The Remington i-LIGHT® Smooth Sense is usually $899.95 but is currently on sale at Harvey Norman for $599, so don't dawdle.

Remington i-LIGHT® Smooth Sense IPL

Experience fast & effective permanent hair removal with Remington's i-LIGHT® Smooth Sense. Designed with speed in mind, the wider treatment window** & express mode ensure a full body treatment can be completed in as little as 15 minutes!^
Dermatologist recommended and designed with an integrated skin tone sensor to deliver the optimum power for you, the i-LIGHT® Smooth Sense ensures a safe & comfortable solution to remove unwanted hair in the privacy of your own home. Now you can feel confident and ready for anything all year round with soft, smooth, hair-free skin.

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