real life

'I used to be obsessed with astrology. Then 'Human Design' changed my life.

I have been obsessed with the stars since I was little - both the celestial bodies, and what their pattern might predict or convey about my future and my nature. My first encounter with astronomy was in the classroom, meanwhile my first encounter with astrology was in reading some random book from the ‘70s that was forgetfully wedged into the family bookcase. 

As a teenager I used to pour over my weekly or monthly astrological predictions in the newspaper or in magazines. In my early 20s I got my chart professionally read and started delving into other foretelling methods such as seeing psychics and tarot card readers (some who were spot on, some of who were really full of s***).

Watch to know the makeup that matches your star sign. Post continues after the video.

Video via Youtube

However, under the guise of predictive astrology, according to my chart and transits it seemed likely I might end up being a writer (I am one), that I would eventually build a romantic partnership with someone from a foreign country (I’m doing that right now), and that I would suffer from reproductive health issues (I find myself in an ongoing battle with stage four endometriosis). What I’m trying to say is, I’ve always been a seeker, that I’m up for anything, and that in my searching I find astrology to be pretty accurate (though I try to take it with a grain of salt). 


The main reason I’ve always loved astrology is for it’s combination of mathematical equations mixed with the right dose of woo-woo (in fact I love it so much I’ve earned the nickname: charstrology). So I can’t tell you how intrigued I was when I heard of Human Design. 

Human Design, what the hell is that, you ask. It’s name makes it sound a little… odd, almost like Scientology. Though you might have noticed this new phenomena pop up on your Instagram or TikTok feed, with all kinds of wellness influencers discussing it and pushing it online. 

To put it simply, Human Design is a part spiritual, part scientific system. You enter your birth information into one of the many chart generating websites and then receive a (sort of strange looking) chart and basic reading of your energy type.  Unlike astrology, it defines you by this energy type, rather than an overarching personality archetype to do with your sun sign. This is followed by a number that defines your personality type, and an indication of your gates (gifts) which you posses. I.e, gate 59: the gift of intimacy, etc. 

Have I lost you yet? I hope not. I agree that it sounds both bizarre and a bit confusing. But in discovering my own Human Design chart I felt elated. Whilst my astrology chart indicates a fierce, Leo leader, who possess curiosity, depth and the inclination for drama (I didn’t need an astrology reading to confirm that), my Human Design chart speaks to my more sensitive side, my inherent introverted part and my inclination towards exhaustion.

In Human Design I, along with 20 per cent of the population, am a “Projector”, a person who’s here to lead people in a new way. Rather than being an authoritative, hierarchical commander, I’m here to lead with empathy, and more of a door-is-always-open approach. I’m also supposed to only work for 2-3 hours a day… 


OK, so cutting my work hours by a third (or even a fourth) isn’t really an option for me at this stage of my career - a freelance hustler who’s just written two books in 18 months and has no real salary to rely on. But I have been doing my best to implement some of the other suggestions. One suggestion is to stop meticulously planning and instead go with the flow more (that’s working), to stick to the kind of food I like to eat and not judge myself for my un-adventurous palette (that’s working too - I rarely get bloated these days), and to accept and embrace that I need a lot of time alone to recharge (maybe the part of my chart that contradicts my social butterfly, Leo Sun/Gemini Rising astrology chart most).

Image: Supplied


All of this stuff - how you individually plan, retain information, digest food, etc - is there in your chart too, by the way 

Obviously not everyone is a Projector like me; there are Manifestors (traditional leaders and boundary-breakers), Generators (the worker-bees brimming with energy which make up the majority of people), Manifesting Generators (the multi-hyphenates who are supposed to pursue their array of passions) and Reflectors (the minority 1 per cent who are here to reflect back where society are it). 

That’s not to say you can’t be a Projector with an array of interests or a Generator boss.

I agree, the language around it is a bit weird and impenetrable. What’s weirder are its origins - a man names Ra Uru Hu who “got the download” on Human Design in 1987 and subsequently spread the message. However, Human Design does combine a lot of existing methodologies including quantum physics, Kabbalah and I Ching. 

What I like about it is that it’s not referencing a predictive series of transits, instead it looks to our blueprint from birth and how we can leverage our uniqueness for more success and ease (she says, aspiring to work for only 3 hours a day). 

If you want to explore the concept more, you needn’t spend much dosh on getting your chart read either. Complex as it is, now there are all sorts of resources including Jenna Zoe’s Human Design app ($8.99 a month), My Human Design. I downloaded it and sat there listening to my chart reading, a compiled series of clips on my personal chart, for over an hour, and got a lot out of it. (I wouldn’t get carried away reading wishy-washy blogposts or watching Youtube videos about it though - that’s where it becomes truly confusing.)


Regardless, I think we tend to turn to these methods during periods of strife or uncertainty. I know I have. Researching this kind of stuff has helped me distract myself through many hard times, and regain a sense of hope - in fact I learnt how to read astrology charts after a break up during lockdown when I desperately needed something to do. (So much so that I read the charts of two strangers earlier this year - they were friends of my boyfriend - and picked up on things so accurate they each responded to my reading with a 'I used to be obsessed with astrology. Then 'Human Design' changed my life. kind of stare. 

It just pays to be mindful when taking these kinds of things in. Aiming for openness and curiosity over dogma. You’ll have noticed astrology is so popular that is has almost replaced religion in the zeitgeist. Many of our Grandparents used to go to church on Sunday’s whereas we look to the stars (and Instagram memes) for our collective sense of spirituality. 

In that I’m still just obsessed with astrology, even if my astro chart kind of contradicts the Human Design one. Perhaps my destiny to is to combine all of the above?  

Happy Leo season, ladies. Take all I’ve said with a grain of salt and remember there’s always more to explore. 

 Feature Image: Supplied

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