Parents can be such assholes.
Whether you have one or just remember being one, I think we can all agree that kids are annoying most some of the time.
They cry, they complain — they’re fucking needy too — and sometimes no matter how hard you try you just can’t make them happy.
Kids, amirite? What you say and what your toddler hears.
When I was a kid I used to burst into tears each time I bit into a biscuit and it broke. I couldn’t eat it any more because it wasn’t perfect. ANNOYING.
Thankfully, for any despairing parents out there, solidarity can now be found on your smart phone. (Too late for my poor mum and dad).
Welcome to the Instagram hashtag #assholeparents. The place parents can go to share with one another just what assholes they are.
For eg. this little boy’s poor mum forgot to cut his sandwich in half. What an a-hole.