Welcome to ‘Ask Rosie’, the space on Mamamia where you can contact me with all of your love and relationship dilemmas (including but not limited to eyebrow crabs).
I’m 28 whole years of age, so I’m fairly certain I know everything and will be able to give you ridiculously useful advice.
Consider it my selfless Oprah-style gift to humanity. Cliche cliche etc etc sassy advice cliche. You’re welcome.
Let’s get into it:
Hi Rosie,
I recently (and very stupidly) was seeing a man that I work with. After a few *special* visits over several months, contact from him slowed. When he cancelled on plans for the fourth time in a row, I was fairly disappointed and hurt. I told him that it was pretty shitty, that he was stuffing me around and not to ask me out again unless he actually planned to turn up.
At first I felt empowered, but now I just feel a bit sad about it and I miss chatting to him. He barely looks at me at work. Any advice on how we can get back to being office friends at least? I feel like he wasn’t expecting to be pulled up on shitty behaviour. And I kind of miss slaying his peen.
Oh Anon. Anon, Anon, Anon. I wish there was some way I could put this delicately for you. I wish I could take what I’m about to tell you and wrap it in a pretty pink bow – just like I once did to a boyfriend’s penis. But no matter how I dress up what I’m about to tell you, you’re probably going to end up disturbed and disappointed – just like my boyfriend when I put the pretty pink bow on his penis.