
News in 5: Actor's criticism of Stan Lee tweets backfires; CNN sues Trump; Perth man's death sentence.

-With AAP

1. Armie Hammer criticised people for sharing photos of themselves with Stan Lee after his death, but it’s backfired on him.

After news broke of Marvel chairman Stan Lee’s death at age 95, tributes from celebrities began to flood social media.

Many of these tributes contained selfies or photos of the celebrities with Stan, and it was this trend that actor Armie Hammer took issue with.

When called out, Hammer doubled down tweeting: “If Stan impacted your life (ie. All of our lives) with his work, post his work that touched you the most. Posting a selfie makes his death about you and how cool you felt taking a picture with him.”


The Call Me By Your Name He also wrote that if posting a selfie is the best way people think there is to give tribute, “I think we need a cultural revamp across the board.”

Hammer’s tweets have backfired as he has received criticism from thousands of fans.




Celebrities who posted photos of themselves with Lee as a tribute included Hugh Jackman, Paul McCartney, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, Jessica Alba and Kat Dennings.

Lee co-created many of the world’s most recognised comic book characters including Spider-Man, the Hulk, Black Widow, Iron Man and Thor.

armie hammer
Armie Hammer: Image: Getty.

The creative dynamo who revolutionised comics by introducing human frailties in superheroes was declared dead on Monday at Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre in Los Angeles, according to Kirk Schenck, a lawyer for Lee’s daughter JC Lee.

As the top writer at Marvel Comics and later as its publisher, Lee revived the industry in the 1960s.

His work offered the costumes and action craved by younger readers while insisting on sophisticated plots, college-level dialogue, satire, science fiction, and even philosophy.

Spider-Man, the Hulk and X-Men were among the Lee creations that went on to become stars of blockbuster films.

2. CNN is suing the the Trump administration.


CNN has filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration over the revocation of press credentials for White House correspondent Jim Acosta, whose questions and reporting have been a frequent target of criticism by President Donald Trump.

"We have asked this court for an immediate restraining order requiring the pass be returned to Jim, and will seek permanent relief as part of this process," CNN said in a statement on Tuesday.

The Republican president has steadily intensified his criticism of the media, with CNN remaining a major target.

Trump erupted into anger last week during a news conference when Acosta questioned him about the so-called migrant caravan travelling through Mexico and about an ongoing investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

"That's enough, that's enough," Trump said on Wednesday, as a White House intern attempted to take the microphone off Acosta. "You are a rude, terrible person."

The White House suspended his credentials later that day, with press secretary Sarah Sanders accusing Acosta of putting his hands on the intern who was trying to take the microphone from him. She called his behavior "absolutely unacceptable".


Video of the encounter showed Acosta pulling back as the intern moved to take the microphone. He called the White House accusations a lie.

"While the suit is specific to CNN and Acosta, this could have happened to anyone," CNN said.

"If left unchallenged, the actions of the White House would create a dangerous chilling effect for any journalist who covers our elected officials."

3. The cafe co-owned by the Bourke St terror attack victim is reopening.


The floral tributes have gone from outside Melbourne's popular Pellegrini's Espresso Bar but the memory of co-owner and terror attack victim Sisto Malaspina lives on.

Nursing homes and carers were invited to collect the piles of flowers overnight as the eatery gets back to business on Wednesday.

A state funeral will be held for Mr Malaspina, 74, at Melbourne's St Patrick's Cathedral on Tuesday morning.

He was killed in a knife attack launched by 30-year-old Hassan Khalif Shire Ali who drove a burning ute into the city on Friday.

Shire Ali, whose passport was cancelled by authorities in 2015 amid concerns the Somali-born man would try to go to Syria to fight for Islamic State, was shot by police and died later in hospital.

Two other men were injured.

Tasmanian businessman Robert Patterson, 58, was released from hospital on Tuesday and a 24-year-old security guard went home on Monday.

There is a condolence book available for people to sign at Melbourne Town Hall.

Mr Malaspina's family has asked that in lieu of further flowers, donations be made to the Salvation Army.

4. An Australian man and his Thai wife have been sentenced to death for drugs.


A Perth man and his Thai wife have been sentenced to death in Thailand on drug smuggling charges, according to a media report.

Luke Cook, 34, and wife Kanyarat Wechapitak, 40, were arrested at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi airport last December and charged with attempting to smuggle half a tonne of crystal methamphetamine into Thailand and on to Australia in 2015.

A Thai court sentenced the Hells Angels bikie, who is said to be a father of two from WA, and his wife to death over the plot, The West Australian reports. The sentences are expected to be commuted to life, the paper says.


It's believed the smuggled crystal meth, also known as ice and with an estimated street value of $300 million, was dumped into the sea from a boat off the southeastern province of Chonburi after being spotted by authorities. About 50kg later washed ashore, police said.

5. Climate change risks an 'extinction effect' that could annihilate all life on earth.

The extinction of plant and animal species from extreme climate change could lead to a "domino effect" that annihilates all life on earth, new research has found.


The scenario is outlined in the journal Scientific Reports and describes how organisms die out because they depend on other doomed species in a process called co-extinctions.

The study found just five to six degrees in average global warming would be enough to wipe out most life on the planet.

"Our paper demonstrates that even the most tolerant species ultimately succumb to extinction when the less-tolerant species on which they depend disappear," lead author Giovanni Strona said.

In their work, researchers from Italy and Australia simulated 2000 virtual earths, linking animal and plant species.

Using sophisticated modelling, they subjected the virtual earths to catastrophic events including extreme environmental change, an asteroid strike and nuclear war.

While all such events could be devastating, the research found that climate warming creates extinction "cascades" in the worst possible way when compared to random extinctions or even from the stresses from a nuclear winter.

Co-author Corey Bradshaw, from Flinders University, said failing to take into account co-extinctions underestimates the loss of entire species from events like climate change by up to 10 times.

"Not taking into account this domino effect gives an unrealistic and exceedingly optimistic perspective about the impact of future climate change," Professor Bradshaw said.

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