
Oh dear. A news organisation just impregnated Ariana Grande.

Look, sometimes unplanned pregnancies happen. Condoms break, you forget your pill or an international news organisation announces you’re with child to its 162,000 followers. It happens.

Pop sensation Ariana Grande was temporarily up the duff this morning when AP Entertainment, the celebrity arm of the Associated Press, impregnated her in less than 140 characters.

A rogue tweet read: “Ariana Grande is pregnant, guess who’s the father? #ArianaGrande”

#BREAKING Source: Getty

Before we even had time to grab the prosecco, let alone frantically type our CONGRATULATIONS the deed was undid, home skilletts.

The tweet was removed, replaced with this one...

...and some poor sod was probably sent packing. Sigh.

Neither Grande, nor her boyfriend have responded to the fiasco, but the 23-year-old kicks off her Dangerous Woman tour tomorrow so child-rearing is likely far down her list of priorities.

That said, a potential pregnancy is not entirely off the cards, but for the time being at least the 'Side To Side' singer is staying mum.

LISTEN: Mamamia Out Loud discuss how to answer that dreaded question...

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