
“Forget the terrible twos. I love having a toddler.”

Nestle NAN
Thanks to our brand partner, Nestle NAN

Toddlers are hard work, any parent will tell you that. One minute you have a tiny little person crawling around and the next they’re up and off sprinting. They’re into anything and everything, and you’ve discovered mess you never knew possible.

But in all honesty, having a toddler is actually great fun. You’re out of the baby stage and your little person has a personality of their own that’s starting to shine through.

Here are some of the reasons why having a toddler is the best.

1. The words.

With toddler-hood comes more and more words, and while you’ll beam with pride every time they master a new one, it’s the adorable mispronunciation that will give you all the heart feels. My eldest used to say ‘mun-osh’ instead of mushroom and ‘coo-mite’ rather than vegemite. I melted every time he said it. I still get kind of sad when he says the right words at five years of age.

Listen: Did you know you can have someone come into your house and critique your parenting? And it will only cost you $125 per hour. Holly Wainwright and Andrew Daddo discuss, on This Glorious Mess. Post continues after audio.

2. Their excitement at mundane things.

One of the greatest things about toddlers is that they have this incredible ability to get excited about the most boring things and that excitement is infectious. Things that you once found boring as all hell all of a sudden give you reason to smile. Take the car wash for example. What was once something that just had to be done is now filled with squeals of excitement when that multi-coloured foam comes raining down.


3. Dancing.

Seriously, no one has better moves than a toddler. Sure, you might have to subject yourself to endless Wiggles tunes but the videos you take will be worth their weight in gold.

4. Meal times.

Ok, ok. I know what you’re going to say. Mealtimes are a nightmare because I have a fussy eater/they’re tired/they throw tantrums. I know, I get it, I’m onto my third child. But every now and then you can actually enjoy meal times, especially when the kids are trying new foods. I always find it pretty cool to watch them sample new tastes and work out what they like and what they don’t like.


"Mealtime sure can get messy." Image: iStock.

5. Sleeping.

They still do it. Enough said.

6. Watching them make friends.

Nothing will get your heart beating like watching your child approach another and try and play. You know you have to let them do it for themselves but there is always that feeling, “Will they be nice to her/him?” Watching your child approach another and start a game is wonderful and hearing them giggle and laugh together is great. Bonus points if the other mum is nice too.

7. Cuddles.

My kids are still all under five but I’m told that there will come a time when they no longer want to cuddle with me or hold hands when we’re out and about. I don’t think I’m quite ready for sullen teenagers, so for now I’ll lap up the sleepy cuddles and the tiny hands in mine as we walk along. I’ll breathe them in a little deeper at night, trying to hold on to the baby smell just that little bit longer but knowing that too won’t last forever.


"I’ll lap up the sleepy cuddles and the tiny hands in mine as we walk along." Image: iStock.

8. Their honesty.

Kids have a way of being brutally honest and really, it’s very refreshing. They call it how they see it and while it’s true sometimes you wish they didn’t voice their observations in the middle of the supermarket it’s great to watch something so pure.

9. Their ability to tell you how they feel.

The first time your child tells you they love you will be one of the greatest moments of your life. You’ve spent a while now giving everything you’ve got to this little person and to hear ‘I love you’ come in their tiny little voice makes it all worth while.

What are some of the best moments or memories you've had with your toddler?

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