
NASA releases never-before-seen images of the Apollo missions.


NASA has shared thousands of images of the Apollo moon landings to the image sharing site Flickr, including never before seen images of Neil Armstrong walking on the moon.

More than 8400 images were uploaded over the weekend and show behind-the-scenes footage of the Apollo missions from 1961 to 1975. Taken by astronauts with Hasselblad cameras, they have been re-scanned to resurrect their original quality.

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Take a look at them here:

Neil Armstrong on the moon in 1969:

The first visible human foot prints on the moon in 1969:

The US flag deployed on the Moon at the Taurus-Littrow landing site by the crewmen of Apollo 17, with the earth in the background, in December, 1972:

"Earthrise" from the Apollo 8 mission in 1968:

 Neil Armstrong working on the Moon during the Apollo 111969 mission:

Apollo 13 Saturn V SA-508 on Kennedy Space Center pad 39A at sunset following pullback of the Mobile Service Structure on April 10, 1970, a day before launch:

The last man on the moon, Apollo 17 Commander Eugene A Cernan, driving the Lunar Roving Vehicle on the moon in December, 1972:

The Apollo 16 Command "Casper" and its Service Module in lunar orbit, along with an earthrise, from the Lunar Module "Orion" before descent to the lunar surface in April 1972:

Apollo 17 Lunar Module Pilot Harrison "Jack" Schmidt taking photographs near Fragment 2 of Split Boulder during EVA-3, December 1972:

Neil Armstrong in training:

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