
Meet Beauty Vlogger Idol finalist: Anya Spicer.

Meet Beauty Vlogger Idol finalist: Anya Spicer.

My make up journey began 8 years ago when I made a leap of faith and left my corporate job in pursuit of something more fulfilling and creative.

Fast forward to present day and I’m a wife and a mother to two wonderful toddlers who are my reason and my joy. So now I balance child-wrangling and re-enacting scenes from Frozen with being a freelance make up artist, working across television, film, editorial and fashion. I love witnessing the transformation of a woman happen right in front of me - their inner beauty shines brighter and their confidence glows. Of course I love playing with the latest and greatest beauty products too and believe you can never have too many neutral eye-shadows or nude lipsticks. I feel beauty blogging and vlogging is just the next opportunity that awaits me and I cannot wait to jump in wholeheartedly.

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