This morning I was on the train when a woman pulled out a small disposable razor and started shaving her legs.
Yep. She was shaving her legs. DRY. ON THE TRAIN.
Um, I know it’s the silly season and all, but seriously? I’d much rather go to work with the hairiest legs in the world than shave in front of an entire peak hour train carriage.
Unfortunately, that’s not even the weirdest thing that’s known to happen on public transport. Here are some (of many) more annoying passenger habits:
1. People who board without letting others off first
These people are so desperate to nab a seat, they’re willing to bowl over frail elderly women and their tiny walking sticks.
You’ve probably seen them before – they’re the commuters who line up where they think the carriage will stop about 15 minutes before the train’s expected to actually arrive.
They refuse to move for people getting on other trains and when theirs finally arrives, they barge in the doors as soon as possible — alighting passengers be damned.
I don’t know where you people learned your manners, but don’t you know you’re supposed to stand to the side of the carriage and wait for EVERYONE TO GET OFF?
Would you really prefer be the cause of someone falling onto the freaking train tracks, rather than having to stand for 10 measly minutes?
Remember: sensible people are good people.
2. People who sniffle and/or cough without covering their mouth
Not only are you probably infecting me with your illness, but you’re doing in a really awful way. Just stop.
Nobody can help getting sick and sometimes we still have to go to work, but please try not to spread your germs by being a gross person.
Trust me, the sound of blowing your nose is much nicer than the sound of snot being sucked around every two minutes.