
The Anna Bligh interview everyone's talking about.





In her interview with ABC News 24’s One Plus One, Former Queensland Premier Anna Bligh discussed a range of personal and private issues at great length.

However, the most fascinating and inspiring part of the interview was undoubtedly her candid discussion of her diagnosis with non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, back in 2012.

Here is some of what Bligh had to say.

On her diagnosis:

I’m sure for most people the diagnosis of cancer comes completely out of the blue. For me, it was a devastating blow. I had absolutely no expectation of it. I’m someone who, with all of my responsibilities, has always tried to stay healthy, to be very active… and I’d been lucky that I’d been very healthy, but that meant – I think – that I’d taken it for granted.

On whether she decided to ask, “Why me?”:

Medical science knows very little about non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and its causes. Well, it knows little about its causes. It certainly is very effective at treating it. So, no I have not tortured myself about where it could have come from or why I had it. You know, I just feel incredibly fortunate to live in a country where our health system provides the kind of treatment that it does.

On undergoing chemotherapy:

I’m a very optimistic person by nature. I’m very much a ‘glass half full’. And I think that was an important part of believing that I could get through this.

On learning to slow down:

I think the harder part for me [of chemotherapy] was submitting to it, if you like. Just accepting that I couldn’t undergo chemo and keep doing everything else, and that I was going to have to slow down and allow my body to get better… I had to very consciously make myself just do very, very little.

On confronting mortality:

When you have that confrontation with mortality and you go through a long period of having to think about that, and to contemplate the fact that maybe the treatment wouldn’t work – that maybe this was a long period of illness that wouldn’t end with a happy story… I didn’t feel at all ready for it.

On how going through treatment changed her as a person:

I don’t think anyone can confront something like that without going through a lot of emotions that they otherwise might not have to confront. It made me think about life and whatever might be left to me – what I want to do with it.

On her current state of health:

I am well. I am very, very well. My tests have come back clear and my doctor has encouraged me to live like I’m never going to see it again, and that is what I intend to do.

You can watch the full interview here.


One Plus One airs on Fridays at 8.30pm (AEDT) on ABC News 24.

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