
The many incarnations of Angelina Jolie...

Angelina the movie star: She won an Oscar for Girl, Interrupted in 1999. She kicked arse in Lara Craft: Tomb Raider and even more so in Salt. In Changeling, she was heart-wrenching as a mother wrongly put in a mental asylum.

Angelina the wife: Oops, that should say fiancée. It’s easy to forget Ange and her partner Brad Pitt aren’t actually married yet. ‘Brangelina’ are so famous that they even have their own Wikipedia page.

The couple met when they both starred in the action thriller Mr. & Mrs. Smith in 2004, when Brad was still married to Jennifer Aniston. Soon after Aniston filed for divorce in April 2005, Brad and Ange were photographed holidaying together in Kenya.

Angelina the mother: Angelina refers to her children as her “rainbow family”. She adopted son Maddox from Cambodia as a single parent in 2002. In 2005, she adopted daughter Zahara, from Ethiopia, although this time together with Brad Pitt– a mere 9 months after his divorce from Jennifer. Already pregnant with daughter Shiloh, Angelina gave birth in Namibia in May 2006. Less than a year later, ‘Brangelina’ adopted another child, a boy from Vietnam called Pax.

Not yet done despite already having four children, Angelina confirmed she was pregnant again, this time with twins, in May 2008. She gave birth to son Knox and daughter Vivienne in Nice, France two months later.

Angelina the refugee advocate: As well as having her own charity, the Jolie-Pitt Foundation, Angelina is well respected for her work as a UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador and was promoted last year to the role of ‘Special Envoy of High Commissioner António Guterres.’ She’s visited conflict zones in Libya,  Sudan, Iraq and Afghanistan and has continually lobbied the US Government on issues of foreign aid.

Angelina, the leg: Please let this never leave our collective memories: the single greatest moment of the 2012 Oscars.

Angelina the pilot: Yes, Angelina is licensed to fly small planes. She can do EVERYTHING.

Angelina the eccentric: She has 14 known tattoos, including six separate inkings of the geographical coordinates of the birthplaces of all her children. As well as the tattoos, Angelina used to wear the blood of her then-husband Billy Bob Thornton in a vial around her neck, and has also admitted the pair used to enjoy knife-play during sex. Yep, knives.

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