
News in 5: 'Tinder stalker' victim's injuries; Couple's 'humiliating' wedding; Melbourne world's happiest.

Warning: This article contains information about domestic violence which may be distressing for some readers.

1. “These were taken days after I was almost murdered”: ‘Tinder stalker’ victim Angela Jay shares images of her horrific injuries.

Dr Angela Jay tinder stalker attack injury photos
Image via Instagram.

In November 2016, Dr Angela Jay was stabbed eleven times and doused in petrol by a former partner she had met on Tinder.

After days of sending threatening text messages, Paul Lambert hid in the walk-in wardrobe of her home and waited while she ate her dinner and fed her cat. He then attacked and attempted to murder the 28-year-old.


Somehow, Dr Jay managed to escape her attacker, and ran to a neighbour's house for help. Later, her attacker was shot dead by police after they tracked him in his car.

More than 14 months later, Dr Jay has shared images of the horrific injuries she sustained in the attack as part of an effort to raise money for White Ribbon Day.

"These photos were taken days after I was almost murdered," she wrote next to the images - which show bruises and stitches from her stab wounds - on Facebook.

"It is with courage I share them with you - looking at them still shakes me to the core and reminds me of the darkest time in my life."

In just two months, Dr Jay will hike the gruelling Kokoda Track in Papua New Guinea as part of her fundraising efforts.

"Sometimes I think I'm crazy for committing to the #trek4respectkokoda this April - it will be (by far) my most physically challenging adventure yet...Then I remember that my legs can do ANYTHING!

"Despite 11 stab wounds and losing a huge amount of blood, they found the strength to lift me off the ground and RUN! They carried me to freedom... they gave me my life... they gave me a second chance.

"My legs are so STRONG and with them I will take on Kokoda. Feeling grateful every step of the way."

On the one year anniversary of her attack, Dr Jay also shared images of some of her scars on Instagram.


"Even when there are physical scars to see, it's the scars you can't that hurt the most," she wrote.

"I'm so thankful to be here today, and even more grateful to my family, friends and colleagues who have supported me over the last year, and continue to give me strength as I struggle along."

To donate to Angela's fundraiser, please click here.

If you or someone you know is in need of help, please call the National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service on 1800 RESPECT.

2. Victorian wedding venue ordered to repay a couple $13,000 after they were left 'humiliated' by 'inedible food'.

Ben Bui and Wendy Lam
Melbourne couple Ben Bui and Wendy Lam. Image via Facebook.

It was meant to be the wedding reception of their dreams: Ben Bui and Wendy Lam, in their late 20s, celebrated their marriage in front of family and friends at Maison Melbourne in November 2016.

But despite having an "awesome" tasting just weeks before the $26,000 reception, the food they were served was a "complete disaster".

Speaking to Daily Mail Australia, Ben said the food didn't look anything like the tasting, and it was "so bad" some guests refused to eat.

"We were sitting at our table watching everyone and they were just disgusted. It was really embarrassing for us," he said.

"No one could eat anything and some went to McDonald's afterwards because they were hungry. That's not something you want to hear at your wedding."

Food was served on platters with nowhere near enough for guests, despite the couple paying for individual servings. Some tables were served cold chicken wings, despite the menu stating they would receive a patter of pork belly, barbecue pork, duck and roast chicken.

One table of 10 received just three quails between them, with most of them still raw on the inside. The couple also paid extra for each guest to receive half a lobster each, but were presented with only one lobster and noodles per table.

"It was really devastating for us. The memory of our wedding is tainted and we feel like we got scammed," Ben said.


"My wife, best man and I went around to all the tables and apologised and we found out our parents called everyone afterwards to apologise too."

The couple took legal action against the venue, which has since been ordered to pay the pair almost $13,000 in damages, including $2000 for the emotional distressed caused by the disaster.

As of December 22 last year, Maison Melbourne's website states it is "closed and will not be reopening for business".

3. Congratulations Melbourne, you've officially been named the world's happiest city.

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Melbourne is home to the world's happiest people, apparently. Image via Getty.

Melbourne's not just the world's most liveable city. It's also the happiest, a new survey shows.

According to AAP, a poll of 15,000 people from 32 cities - including Barcelona, Berlin, Tokyo and New York - showed the Victorian capital outranks its competitors for happiness.

Melbourne was also rated the world's fourth most exciting city behind New York, Porto and the winner, Chicago.

Meanwhile, Sydney came in at number 28.

The survey looked at anonymous data across seven categories: food and drink, culture, relationships and community, neighbourhoods, affordability, happiness and liveability.

It found 89 per cent of Melburnians enjoyed living in the city, and nine out of 10 reported feeling happy in the previous 24 hours.

But go back a few years and Melbourne didn't even rate a mention in National Geographic's happiest cities schedule, with the Thai island of Koh Samui handed the crown.

Melbourne was in 2017 named the world's most liveable city for the seventh consecutive year by The Economist, while Sydney again finished outside the top 10.

But the NSW capital beat Melbourne as Australia's best destination in 2017, according to TripAdvisor.

According to the new survey, Dubai was ranked as the city with the longest working hours, Washington was the place with the most singles looking for love, New York City is home to the world's most stressed out people and Parisians have the most sex.


4. At long last, Formula One is banning the use of 'grid girls' before the start of races.

formula one grid girls sport racing
Image via Getty.

Formula One is to stop the long-standing practice of using walk-on grid girls before the start of races from the coming season, AAP reports.

"Over the last year we have looked at a number of areas which we felt needed updating so as to be more in tune with our vision for this great sport," Sean Bratches, F1 managing director, said in a statement Wednesday.


"While the practice of employing grid girls has been a staple of Formula 1 Grands Prix for decades, we feel this custom does not resonate with our brand values and clearly is at odds with modern day societal norms.

"We don't believe the practice is appropriate or relevant to Formula 1 and its fans, old and new, across the world."

Grid girls will also stop appearing at other motorsport series which takes place during the F1 weekend.

The new F1 season starts with Australian Grand Prix in Melbourne on March 25.

5. Michelle Obama has finally revealed what she was really thinking when Melania Trump handed her that awkward inauguration present.

melania trump michelle obama present
Image via Getty.

It was the present that stopped the nation: Melania Trump handing outgoing First Lady Michelle Obama a gift on the steps of the White House ahead of Donald Trump's inauguration ceremony.

It was... awkward to say the least. Michelle - ever the picture of class and grace - clearly had no idea what she was meant to do with the signature blue Tiffany's box that had been placed in her hands.

For the first time, the 54-year-old has spoken about what exactly was going through her mind when she received the gift from Melania, in an interview with talk show host Ellen DeGeneres.

"There's all this protocol. I mean, this is like a state visit, so they tell you that you're going to do this, they're going to stand here," Michelle said of the awkward moment.

"Never before do you get this gift, so I'm sort of like, 'Okay... what am I supposed to do with this gift?'

"And everyone cleared out and no one would come and take the box. And I'm thinking, 'Do we take the picture with it?'"

Luckily, good guy Barack was on hand to help his wife out in her time of need.

"And then my husband saved the day," Michelle said.

"He grabbed the box and took it back inside. But everybody cleared out. No staff, no one. I was like what do you do with the box?"


Oh, and if you're wondering what was inside the box? "A lovely frame," Michelle revealed.

6. Douglas Eustace married Mary Freeman last October so he could stay in Australia. Now, he's in court for her murder.

Mary Freeman murder 7 News
Mary Freeman was murdered shortly after midnight on Saturday. Image via 7 News.

A man has faced court accused of stabbing his new wife to death during an argument in suburban Melbourne, AAP reports.

Douglas Derick Eustace, 43, allegedly murdered Mary Freeman, 41, at her Hallam home shortly after midnight on Saturday.


He faced Melbourne Magistrates Court on Wednesday for a brief hearing in which his lawyer said it was the accused man's first time in custody.

It's alleged Eustace stabbed Ms Freeman multiple times after an argument erupted and escalated.

Eustace allegedly left the scene before handing himself in to police.

Media reports say Eustace and Ms Freeman met in October while he was on holiday from India.

They reportedly married two weeks later so Eustace could remain in the country.

Neighbours said there had been a party at Ms Freeman's house on the night of the stabbing.

In court, prosecutors said a forensic DNA report would be prepared as well as a doctor's report.

Defence lawyer Jacob Torney said Eustace was on medication and should see a doctor while in custody.

Eustace did not apply for bail and is due to return to court on May 23.

If you or someone you know is in need of help, please call the National Sexual Assault, Domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service on 1800 RESPECT.

7. Australian stargazers have been treated to a "lunar triple treat" that only happens once in a lifetime.

super blue blood moon lunar eclipse 2018
The super blue blood moon seen over Perth this morning. Image via AAP.

The super blue blood moon has wowed stargazers in Perth, with clear skies giving a good view of the once-in-a-lifetime lunar triple treat.

A total lunar eclipse turned the moon a brooding, dark red over night on Wednesday with the eclipse coinciding with both a supermoon and a blue moon - for the first time in 150 years.

While clouds blanketed much of NSW, the ACT and South Australia late on Wednesday night, watchers in Perth and along the coast of Western Australia were treated to clear skies and the best views.

Viewers on Twitter tweeted a mixture of grainy pictures to professionally shot snaps, as they watched the earth's satellite above them.


Stargazers in parts of Tasmania, north of the Sunshine Coast and inland in the Northern Territory also had better luck.

"It's pretty cloudy across much of the country," a bureau spokesman told AAP on Wednesday.

"Coastal Western Australia should have beautiful clear skies but Sydney and Brisbane might not see anything at all."

The total lunar eclipse - which is referred to as a blood moon because of the moon's red hue - will be visible across Asia, parts of Europe and the United States.

A blue moon refers to when there is a second full moon in a calendar month.

"Tonight, we have three lunar events happening simultaneously; the moon will be at perigee (the closest point in its elliptical orbit to Earth), it will be a blue moon for most of the world and - most spectacularly - it will be a total lunar eclipse," Penrith Observatory manager Raelene Sommer said on Wednesday.

The observatory, in Sydney's west, was livestreaming the event.

Astrophysicist Alan Duffy said the random event is a rare trifecta, with the moon appearing bigger and a third brighter before it turns red when the moon passes into the Earth's shadow and reflects the sun back at the Earth.

Australians witness a total lunar eclipse about once every 2.8 years on average, but it becomes a true rarity when combined with a supermoon and a blue moon.

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