
Andy Lee kicked out his girlfriend Rebecca Harding's dog and this is grounds for a breakup.


Prepare to have your little doggo-loving hearts smashed into smithereens, people.

Andy Lee, everyone’s imaginary boyfriend of choice, has kicked his girlfriend’s dog out of the house.

Yep, he evicted a tiny, little woofer named Nellie.

It’s… it’s… a crime against doggos.

Speaking to TODAY this week, Lee said the trouble all began when Rebecca Harding, his girlfriend of two years, and her little dog Nellie, moved in with him.

(FYI Nellie is a boy and Nellie is short for Nelson. Let’s continue.)


“My girlfriend had her dog staying with us – it’s no longer with us… it’s alive, it’s just moved out,” he told hosts Karl Stefanovic and Deb Knight on Friday morning.

Apparently poor little Nellie liked to chew things… all of the things… all of the time.

Nellie also liked to jump on Andy’s bed and ruin his indoor plants.

BUT… and this is a very big BUT, people… Andy admitted on air this week that he would set little Nellie up and let him do naughty things so he would have a reason to evict him.

It was a goddamn woofing conspiracy.

Harding then joined Lee onscreen to tell Nellie’s side of the story (the real story, people, THE. REAL. STORY).

“I think she got really grumpy that Andy put her in his spare room for a few hours,” she told Stefanovic and Knight.

“He left her in there, and it was just a bit of pay back.”

Spot the cuties taking a break from couch shopping ????????????@nelliethescottie

A post shared by ????Rebecca Harding???? (@rebeccalharding) on


“That’s one way of looking at it,” Lee interjected. “This dog is a menace.”

The couple hasn’t said where Nellie is living now but we imagine she’s in a little doggo lair somewhere plotting the ultimate revenge against Lee.

During the interview Lee and Harding also spoke about the other things that had to change in Lee’s ‘bachelor pad’ once Harding moved in – like, basically, all of it.

“I’ve already got an interior designer coming through,” Harding said.

“I’m in lock-down mode, currently,” Lee added.

Nellie – wherever you are – we think you’re a very good boy.

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