real life

Andy Lee made a fool of himself while trying to impress girlfriend. Is all of us.


We’ve all been there, Andy.

Andy Lee seemingly has his shit together.

He’s funny, he’s successful, he has a great girlfriend. That’s why hearing stories like his attempts to impress the girlfriend, Rebecca Harding, but failing miserably are all the more hilarious.

Lee recently told WHO about a particularly awkward moment when he was a little too eager when trying to show off his chivalrous nature to Harding.

“I picked up my girlfriend Rebecca from the airport, came home, had flowers set out and offered to grab her bags and carry them upstairs,” he told the magazine.

So far, so good Ando.

“But my brother, who I live with, had closed a very clean glass door [in my path]… so I accidentally ran right into it and got a bloody nose… it was a great way to let her know how cool I am.”

Not to worry though, because everything has seemed to work out between them since their first meeting in a cafe that Harding worked at.

He described the encounter recently on his 2DayFM talk show, saying, “I was trying to chat to her, so I was ordering a lot.

“I had like an hour-and-a-half breakfast, and you know I don’t really like that because I like getting in and out in food situations.”

Eventually Lee gave Harding his email address on a napkin.

Which is cute. And a little strange.

Sounds like you’re nailing this whole dating scene, Andy. Please never stop telling us these hilarious and slightly awkward anecdotes.

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