This post originally appeared here on Role Reboot. It was republished here with full permission.
Thank you for bringing me to my lowest point and for helping me find that strong girl I’d buried under loads of self-hate. I’m stronger in spite of you.
Hey You,
Do you remember the first time I said that to you? You insisted the phrase “hey you” was a subtle way of flirting. Every email you sent started with “hey you” thereafter. I admit, my heart danced every time I read those words or heard you speak them during one of our long conversations.
I loved you before I knew I loved you. When you married someone else, I cried myself to sleep. I was with someone at the time, but it still felt like the worst betrayal. I had a hard time looking at him the next day.
But I had to move on and he seemed like a good choice. He reminded me of you, in small ways. His smile, his laugh, his easy going manner were all reminiscent of the one person I really wanted to be with.