
News in 5: Former Channel 7 cadet speaks; Hope for Larissa Waters' return; Rate of dementia rising.

1. Cadet journalist who secretly recorded her meeting with Channel 7 HR speaks for the first time.


Amy Taeuber, the former cadet journalist at the heart of the Channel Seven dismissal saga, has thanked the public for the “overwhelming support” she’s received since some of the details surrounding her termination at the media corporation were made public.

“Thank you to everyone for the overwhelming support,” the 27-year-old from Adelaide tweeted. “It means the world. To those that have emailed — I will try to get back to you all.”

Last month, Taeuber was reportedly sacked by Channel Seven and is now seeking compensation at the Fair Work Commission.

She had reportedly complained to Seven’s human resources about sexual harassment from an older male journalist days before her dismissal. It’s believed she learned the company was investigating her when she was accused of bullying a fellow cadet – claims both Taeuber and the other cadet have reportedly denied.


Alongside the thank you message, Taeuber also shared an image of herself with high-profile journalist Tracey Spicer at an event for women in media on Tuesday night.

At the event, Spicer spoke on the issue saying: “This [culture] destroys the lives and livelihoods of hard-working women doing great work and it has to end now,” as reported by the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance.

2. Trump weighs in on Otto Warmbier’s parents’ claims that “North Korea tortured our son”.


The parents of a young Ohioan who was detained in North Korea for more than a year and died soon after being released said he was “jerking violently,” howling, and “staring blankly” when he returned home on a medical flight.

Fred and Cindy Warmbier appeared on Fox News amid an escalating war of words between the Trump administration and North Korea. They wanted to speak about his condition after hearing North Korea claiming to be a victim on the international stage.

President of the United States Donald Trump tweeted about the family’s appearance, calling it “a great interview” and that: “Otto was tortured beyond belief by North Korea”.

To read more of this story, click here.

3. Renewed hope for Larissa Waters’ Senate return.


Former Greens senator Larissa Waters could make an early return to parliament if the High Court agrees with arguments being put forward by the Commonwealth.

The government has filed its official submission on the seven federal politicians who have been referred to the court over their citizenship status.

It argues only One Nation’s Malcolm Roberts and former Greens senator Scott Ludlam were wrongly elected, while the Nationals’ Barnaby Joyce, Fiona Nash and Matt Canavan, crossbencher Nick Xenophon and Ms Waters should not be disqualified.

Under section 44 of the constitution, “a subject or a citizen … of a foreign power” cannot run for parliament.

The Commonwealth believes that should only apply to those who have “voluntarily obtained or retained” their status.

That would preclude five of the politicians in question – all of whom were not aware they were or ever had been a foreign citizen – the submission says.


Ms Waters resigned in July upon discovering she still had Canadian citizenship, but could return if the High Court agrees with the Commonwealth and she is nominated to replace herself by the Queensland Greens.

The matters will go before the full bench of the High Court on October 10.

4. Warning after Canberra mother-of-two dies from flu.


Australians are being urged not to put off seeing a doctor if they’re feeling unwell after a Canberra mother-of-two died of complications from the flu.

ACT Health on Tuesday said they confirmed Jennifer Thew’s death over the weekend, describing it as tragic and incredibly sad.

“This flu season has been particularly aggressive, with people from various parts of Australia who would normally fall outside of the high-risk category becoming seriously sick,” Health Minister Meegan Fitzharris said.

It was important that people feeling unwell sought medical support, and those seriously ill should call triple-zero, she said.

“Jen was a beautiful, gentle soul and, above all, the most devoted mother,” the Thew family has said in a statement posted to a GoFundMe page.

“We are absolutely heartbroken that she has been taken from us in such cruel circumstances. We are so grateful to the medical teams in Canberra and Sydney that fought so hard to save her life.”

Almost 2100 cases of the flu have been reported in Canberra in 2017, compared to about 840 last year.

This is one of the most severe flu seasons Australia has seen.

For more information on how to protect yourself from the flu, click here.


5. Catholic archbishop likens same-sex marriage to parent-child marriage.

Brisbane’s Catholic Archbishop has cited society’s refusal to accept the marriage of parents to their children in urging Australians to vote no to same-sex marriage.

Archbishop Mark Coleridge has also said that while the love of same-sex couples is valuable, it’s “like the love of friends”.

He’s says human societies have “always discriminated in deciding who can marry whom”.


“I mean parents can’t marry their children. Children can’t marry their parents,” he told the ABC on Tuesday, AAP reports.

He said siblings could not marry each other, and underage people and same-sex couples had also been “disqualified” from marrying.

“That is not to say that they are not equal. It’s simply saying they are not the same, and that they don’t qualify for what we call marriage.”

6. Dementia expected to overtake heart disease as Australia’s biggest killer.


Heart disease and dementia are expected to remain the leading causes of death in Australia when the figures for 2016 are released.

Heart disease has been Australia's biggest killer since the early part of the 20th century but is expected to be overtaken by dementia within five years.

Official figures show heart disease caused 12.4 per cent of the 159,052 deaths in Australia in 2015 while dementia accounted for 7.9 per cent.

The 2015 statistics also showed the number of Australians taking their own lives hit a 10-year high, climbing above 3000 for the first time.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics will release the causes of death figures for 2016 on Wednesday.

Readers seeking support and information about suicide prevention can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467.

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