
Hundreds of audience members walk out on Amy Schumer performance.

Amy Schumer is never one to shy away from controversial topics. She’s famously used her comedy to peddle opinions on everything from gun control, to rape culture and race.

On the weekend she added Donald Trump to that list of divisive material, and it cost her roughly 200 members of her audience.

According to The Tampa Bay Times, the comedian dedicated a portion of a Sunday night show in Florida to slamming the the Republican presidential nominee, to whom she referred as an “orange, sexual-assaulting, fake-college-starting monster.” Among other things.

“You know what I love?” she asked the nearly 10,00-strong crowd according to the paper. “A famous guy that will just take me furniture shopping and just straight up grab my p—.”

amy schumer netflix special

Schumer isn't one to shy away from controversial topics. Image: Getty.


With the infamous (and vomit-inducing) Trump tape having been released the week prior, it could hardly have been a surprise that Schumer - a vocal Hilary Clinton supporter and sexual assault survivor - would touch on the topic.

But the 35-year-old did more than that. Alluding to numerous allegations that have surfaced against Trump, Schumer asked female audience members who had been sexually assaulted to stand - and dozens did, according to The Times.

She even asked security to haul a Trump supporter on stage ("preferably one with sleeves") to explain why the billionaire businessman will get their vote.

“Do you get worried at all with how impulsive he is?” Schumer asked the sleeved audience member. “That he gets so fired up from Saturday Night Live doing a skit on him… do you worry he’ll be impulsive and get us in a lot of f***ing trouble we can’t get out of?”

It was all too much for a small, vocal, Trump supporting portion of the audience. They booed, they yelled and hundreds even walked out of the arena.

A number of the disgruntled concert-goers spoke to The Times about their reasons for bolting early:

"I don't want to hear that. We wanted to have a good night without distractions with the politics," said Bryon Infinger.

A bloke named Ryan Atwood (no relation, OC fans) agreed: "The show became political. I definitely didn't come to hear this."

Schumer, who is in the middle of a global arena tour, isn't bothered by the backlash.

"I want to thank the 8400 people who stayed. We had a great time!" she told Vanity Fair. "We have always depended on comedians to make us laugh and tell the truth. I am proud to continue that tradition.”

READ MORE: "Here's a full list of the sex-related allegations against Donald Trump."

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