
Amy Schumer vows to never take photos with fans again after a frightening incident.


Comedian Amy Schumer has announced that she will not be posing for photos with fans after a man got too close for comfort in Grenville, South Carolina.

The Trainwreck star took a photo of the man and posted it on her Instagram account, sharing the details of his over-the-top behaviour.

The caption said:

“This guy in front of his family just ran up next to me scared the shit out of me. Put a camera in my face. I asked him to stop and he said ‘no it’s America and we paid for you’ this was in front of his daughter. I was saying stop and no. Great message to your kid. Yes legally you are allowed to take a picture of me. But I was asking you to stop and saying no. I will not take picture[s] with people anymore and it’s because of this dude in Greenville.”



Reactions to Schumer’s post were mixed. Some fans were annoyed that one bad experience could stop more-understanding fans from having a moment with the comedian.

“No offence but that’s a little drastic to say you’ll stop taking pictures with fans because of one bad experience,” commented Instagram user @abdongomez1. “You’re a celebrity now,you will get noticed on the streets and the paparazzi will harass you. Its sad but that’s Hollywood.”

“You’d might as well be kind with fans because that’s the reason you’re successful. Maybe you should’ve thought it twice if Hollywood fame was really for you.”

Most commenters were more understanding of Schumer’s decision. 

“You need respect, everyone deserve respect,” commented Instagram user Jessica Lopez. “Morons still think that celebrities are like their puppets or something like that.”

“I’m sorry you had to go through that,” said Instagram user Kourai Aminoacido. “People are disgusting sometimes.” 

Fortunately Schumer’s “day turned around” when she spent some time with a horse called Harley. She shared a photo with the horse in her next Instagram post.


Day turned around with Harley. Photo by @marcusrussellprice A photo posted by @amyschumer on Apr 30, 2016 at 2:30pm PDT


Watch Monique Bowley interview Amy Schumer about her film ‘Trainwreck’:

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