
"We feel lucky we got 1!" Amy Schumer has shared the results of her first IVF treatment.

If you’re currently going through the process of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) or considering it, Amy Schumer is still taking your calls.

Schumer revealed in January that she had begun IVF, sharing a candid photo of her stomach after her first round of treatment, and welcomed other women on their own IVF journeys to get in contact with her directly via the number listed in her bio.

Listen to our new podcast Get Me Pregant, where we cover everything you need to know about IVF. Post continues below.

Now six weeks in, Schumer has shared more details of her progress via an Instagram post.

“So IVF went like this for us. They retrieved 35 eggs from me. Not bad for the old gal right? Then 26 fertilized! Whoah right? For all of those we got 1 normal embryo from that and 2 low level mosaic (mosaic means there are some abnormal cells but can still lead to a healthy baby). So we feel lucky we got 1! But what a drop off right?”

Schumer says the many messages she’s received so far from women who have been in her shoes have kept her feeling positive about the experience.

“I have so appreciated everyone sharing their IVF stories with me. They made me feel empowered and supported. So I wanted to tell you how mine went down,” Schumer explains.

“So many women go through many rounds of IVF which is painful and mentally grueling. I heard from hundreds of women about my their miscarriages and struggles and also many hopeful stories about how after rounds and rounds of IVF it worked!!


“It has been really encouraging… I just wanted to share and send love and strength to all of the warrior women who go through this process.”

In response, celebrities including Julianne Moore, Debra Messing, Chelsea Handler and Ilana Glazer shared their own messages of support in the comments.

Schumer’s phone number is still listed in her bio, which reads: +1 (917) 970-9333.


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Hey! So ivf went like this for us. They retrieved 35 eggs from me. Not bad for the old gal right? Then 26 fertilized! Whoah right? For all of those we got 1 normal embryo from that and 2 low level mosaic (mosaic means there are some abnormal cells but can still lead to a healthy baby) So we feel lucky we got 1! But what a drop off right? Anyway I have so appreciated everyone sharing their Ivf stories with me. They made me feel empowered and supported. So I wanted to tell you how mine went down. So many women go through many rounds of ivf which is painful and mentally grueling. I heard from hundreds of women about my their miscarriages and struggles and also many hopeful stories about how after rounds and rounds of ivf it worked!! It has been really encouraging. Thank you. Anyway I am so grateful for our son and that we have the resources to get help in this way. I just wanted to share and send love and strength to all of the warrior women who go through this process. ???????????? my number is in my bio if you are open to text me your experience or whatever you feel like. I read them when I can’t sleep or have time ????

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This isn’t the first time the 38-year-old has given her personal digits out to fans. In November 2019 she shared her contact details, along with the caption: “Oh hi! It’s me, Amy Schumer, with some exciting news. I now have a phone number where the people who follow me on social media can text me and I can write you back.

“I can also update you when I’m in your town. And uh, yeah, I’m really excited. I wanted to have a more personal experience with the people who like me.


“That sounds super creepy but I do mean it. And my number’s below. I hope you’ll text me.”


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This year, her request hits closer to home.

The IVF process is often acknowledged as gruelling in terms of its physical, emotional and financial effects. Prior to semination, the invasive procedure requires the woman to inject herself with fertility medications which have side effects like bloating, headaches, breast tenderness, nausea, hot flashes, and mood swings.


The insemination itself – when the fertilised egg is placed into the woman’s uterus – can also result in cramping, bloating, breast tenderness and constipation.


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If her IVF is successful, this will be her second pregnancy with husband, Chris Fischer. In May 2019 the couple welcomed their first child, Gene Attell Fischer after a difficult pregnancy. Estimated to occur in .5 to two per cent of pregnancies, Schumer suffered from Hyperemesis Gravidarum which resulted in severe and persistent nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. At one point the comedian was even hospitalised due to poor health and was forced to cancel multiple shows. She still managed to tackle the situation with her signature humour.


“I am in the hospital. I’m fine. Baby’s fine but everyone who says the 2nd trimester is better is not telling the full story. I’ve been even more ill this trimester,” she wrote in the Instagram post from November, 2018.

“I have hyperemesis and it blows. Very lucky to be pregnant but this is some bullshit! Sending so much love to the doctors and nurses taking great care of me and Tati! They are cool as hell!” she added.

Since giving birth to Gene, Schumer has shared multiple photos of her family-of-three on Instagram. Welcoming in the new year on December 30, she called 2019 the ‘best year of her life’.

“This has been by far the best year of my life and I spent half of it vomiting everyday,” she wrote.

And for what it’s worth, we hope she gets to do it all over again. But maybe with less vomiting.

Have you been through the IVF process? What was your experience like? Tell us in a comment below.

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Featured image: Instagram @amyschumer.

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