
FLUFF: Mannequins have pubic hair now.

American Apparel are bringing pubic hair back.

And we’re not talking “overdue bikini wax” pubic hair. We’re talking full bush.

It happened at 3am on Thursday morning. Employees climbed into the front window displays of American Apparel’s New York Citay store to give their mannequins some serious bush. A store manager said the campaign was meant to convey “the rawness and realness of sexuality”.

Look, it’s better than their attempts to sexualise women.


Kanye West gets his own religion

You sing the words “I am a God, I am a God, I am a God” enough times, and eventually your fans will create a religion in your name.

That’s what happened to Kanye “Yeezus” West. It’s called Yeezianity, and it’s for real.

The founder of the Church of Yeezianity – “The best church in the world!!!” according to its website – spoke exclusively with Vice magazine about his faith:

“Jesus has all this baggage and all these connotations, and Yeezus is this new thing – and that’s why I say in the ‘Our Saviour’ part of the site, “We don’t speak of his public persona.” Because Yeezus is when Kanye elevates to that God-level, which I feel like we all have the potential to do,” he said.

We don’t know how many Yeezians there are, where they congregate, or whether North West was an immaculate conception.


But we do know what to get the man who has errything: His own disciples.

We wonder what Yeezus followers make of Kanye’s assault charges. Doing God’s work to smite the paparazzi, perhaps?

These famous twins nail the sullen teenager act

These two 13-year-old girls grew up on reality TV, so you can imagine how well-adjusted they are.

You remember the Gosselins. Jon and Kate raised eight children on national television: twins and sextuplets. Their show, Jon & Kate Plus 8, ran for seven seasons. The title changed to Kate Plus 8 when Jon left, and they’ve remained inexplicably famous since.

Which brings us to the greatest example of teenage sulking we’ve seen on air.

Kate G took her twin daughters, Mady and Cara, on the TODAY show in the US.

Could this be the most flawless execution of the silent treatment ever?



Hilary Clinton’s TIME cover really sucks

She’s one of the most powerful, respected, intriguing, ambitious, intelligent, fabulous women on the planet. She deserves to be on the front cover of major magazines around the world.

Not to mention, she’s running the best non-campaign campaign for the 2016 presidential election ever.

And yet, this is the best TIME can do for a Hilary cover:


It looks like they Google Image-searched “woman’s shoe” and “tiny man” and then thought to themselves, “ah, fuck it, that’ll do.”

It’s insulting, and as The Gloss point out, it’s lazily reinforcing some pretty minsogynst views on powerful women: “One of the most frustratingly sexist stereotypes about women in the workplace is that the successful ones are ruthless, arrogant, ball-crushing bitches who stomp on the sad rich white guys who are just trying to make an honest living in a world where most things are biased in their favor. Poor men.”

As Hilary Clinton is one of our spirit animals, we’d really like to see her on a killer cover of TIME. Oh, and also as the leader of the free world, please?

You get an Oscar nomination! And you get an Oscar nomination! And… oh. Sorry, Oprah.

Oprah Winfrey in The Butler.

Oscar nominations are out. And, alas, Oprah will not be thanking the Academy while clutching a tiny golden man this year.

The star of The Butler is just one of many actors who didn’t receive a nod this season, with her co-star, Forest Whitaker, also missing out.

But in happy news, there are five Aussies nominated. FIVE!

Cate Blanchett, AKA movie-star perfection, is the favourite to win Best Actress for Blue Jasmine. There are two Aussies in the running for Best Costume – Michael Wilkinson nominated for his work on American Hustle and Catherine Martin nominated for her work on The Great Gatsby.

Martin is also nominated alongside fellow Australian Beverly Dunn for their work on Gatsby‘s production design. And, Dave Clayton has yet again been nominated for his visual effects work on the The Hobbit franchise.


Here’s a full list of the nominees… (it makes it a lot more fun if you read the names in Oprah’s booming voice)

Best Picture
American Hustle
Captain Phillips
Dallas Buyers Club
12 Years a Slave
The Wolf of Wall Street

Best Actor
Christian Bale, American Hustle
Bruce Dern, Nebraska
Leonardo DiCaprio, The Wolf of Wall Street
Chiwetel Ejiofor, 12 Years a Slave
Matthew McConaughey, Dallas Buyers Club

Best Actress
Amy Adams, American Hustle
Cate Blanchett, Blue Jasmine
Sandra Bullock, Gravity
Judi Dench, Philomena
Meryl Streep, August: Osage County

Best Supporting Actor
Barkhad Abdi, Captain Phillips
Bradley Cooper, American Hustle
Michael Fassbender, 12 Years a Slave
Jonah Hill, The Wolf of Wall Street
Jared Leto, Dallas Buyers Club

Best Supporting Actress
Sally Hawkins, Blue Jasmine
Jennifer Lawrence, American Hustle
Lupita Nyong’o, 12 Years a Slave
Julia Roberts, August: Osage County
June Squibb, Nebraska

Critics Choice Awards Red Carpet

The 2014 Critics Choice Awards are happening, which means two things. 1) The people that win are basically/almost/kind of guaranteed an Oscar and 2)there are some amazing frocks.

Take a look:

Our favourite so far? The fact that Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts are posing together AND wearing matching sunglasses. It is all shades of awesome.

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