So, this is where we’re at now. We just have to accept it.
American Apparrel have released a new ad for… Well, to be honest I’m not quite sure what the ad is for. But I certainly know there’s big bumhole right in my face.
Yeah. Like side boob or underbutt, apparently a bit of cheeky ‘side browneye’ is now a thing.
Take a look. Here is the censored version, with a subtle graphic covering the bit in question (check out the real version after the jump):
Don’t scroll if you’re at work.
Seriously, it’s really very odd and a little bit gross.
Annnnnd here is the advertisement in all it’s boundary pushing, uncensored glory:
So, um, buy this… skirt? (Well actually, the skirt and the lingirie, which AA linked to).
I know it’s American Apparel and they are just so edgy and hipster (you probably wouldn’t understand, okay?) but all this pushing the envelope has to end at some point, doesn’t it? Envelopes can only be pushed so far.
What’s the end game here? A close-up of a girl’s bum while she’s bending over and spreading her cheeks? A picture of a colonoscopy next to the caption “Buy socks”?
This can’t end well.
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