
A publication said Amal Clooney was 'showing off' her baby bump. That wasn't true at all.

Amal Clooney went to the United Nations on International Women’s Day to encourage an investigation into allegations of genocide against ISIS.

But alarmingly some media outlets thought that Clooney’s baby bump was a more newsworthy topic.

One news organisation actually went as far to say that Clooney was there to ‘show off’ her baby bump.


Amal Clooney was not at the UN to ‘show off’ her baby bump. She’s a human rights lawyer who also happens to be pregnant with twins.

She was not there to make a statement in the latest maternity fashions. She was there to work. She was there to fight for human rights and give a voice to those who need it most.

The people of Twitter were quick to pick up on the ridiculous double standard, with one person writing: “Odd way of spelling ‘human rights lawyer encourages the UN to investigate allegations of genocide against ISIS’.”

“She was also fighting for her client, ISIS survivor and Nobel Peace Prize nominee Nadia Murad to urge the UN to take action,”another person wrote, “but sure BABY BUMP.”


Another noted, “And right next to the baby bump, you’ll see the ISIS survivor whom Ms. Clooney is representing.”

Others pointed out that the media buried the seriousness of the story with a fluffy headline and a ridiculous angle. And I couldn’t agree more.

The human rights lawyer was at the UN to represent the hundreds of young girls who have been raped and enslaved by ISIS. What she was wearing was irrelevant. The size of her baby bump was not the point.

Clooney told BBC News the interviews she’s done with young girls and past soldiers who were raped and enslaved by ISIS was the “most harrowing testimony” she’s ever heard.

Mamamia Out Loud are on bump watch, too. I mean, Human Rights Lawyer watch. Listen:  

The 39-year-old made an impassioned plea to the UN to ask the organisation and the rest of the world to not turn a blind eye to the suffering of these people.

“Don’t let this be another Rwanda where you regret doing too little too late,” Clooney said. “Don’t let ISIS get away with genocide.”

That’s the story, not her baby bump or the dress she was wearing.

A Rare And Extremely Special International Women’s Day Edition on Mamamia Out Loud. 

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