
"Can anyone else relate or am I the only one who...?"


Sometimes when I read my Twitter stream, particularly of a weeknight, I start to wonder if I’m the only person in the world who isn’t watching a reality TV cooking show.

Then there are other times I wonder if I’m the only one around here who thanks their fellow commuters for letting me into traffic. I mean, how hard is it give a wave of thanks, FFS?

There are often times when you think you are in the minority. That what is popular isn’t always necessarily ‘Your thing’. Or sometimes you just can’t understand why people aren’t using their common sense.


As a result, I’ve been inspired to make a list of my own ‘Am I the only one around here’ gripes. Feel free to add your own..

Am I the only one around here…

Who knows how to flush a toilet?

Who doesn’t like reality cooking shows?

Who uses the word literally properly?

Who knows how to pick up after themselves?

Who knows how to replace a toilet roll?


Who knows the difference between two, too and to?

Who can’t understand why Kyle Sandliands still has a job?

Who thinks kale tastes like geriatric sweat?

Who doesn’t know WTF a bitcoin is?

Who doesn’t have a beard?

Who knows how to stack the dishwasher?

Who doesn’t particularly like Nutella?

Who puts their headlights on when it’s raining?

So there you have it, my list. It was actually quite cathartic to get that all out.

You should share yours with us. And go make and share your own meme from HERE:

What’s on your ‘Am I the only one around here’ list?

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