
YouTuber Alyx Weiss went missing from social media for months. She says she was in a cult.

If there was ever a time to familiarise yourself with Alyx Weiss, now would be it. 

The YouTuber with almost 2 million subscribers has spent 14 years making weekly videos. She's best known for her video series 'Revealing Your Secrets' where she share's the wildest confessions from her followers. 

But for the last two months, the 27-year-old all but disappeared from the internet. Her Instagram profile, YouTube channel and TikTok page sat dormant until this month when Weiss resurfaced to reveal exactly where she had been. 

In a cult. 

Watch Alex Weiss reveal her big secret. Post continues after video.

Video via YouTube.

Weiss has reemerged, refreshed and telling fans she joined a "cult" in South America, where she "worked with plants", particularly Ayahuasca — a hallucinogen.

"[I] kinda fell off the face of the earth," she said in her latest video. "There was a rumour that began to circulate that I joined a cult. And I did," she said. 

"It's interesting because a big part of the definition of a cult is a group of people with admiration or [an] affinity towards something or someone," she explained. "and the people that we met at this centre, have an affinity, a love for ayahuasca for other the other plants that we worked with... and for the master we worked with."

Weiss told her subscribers she went through purges and ceremonies and did the "hard work" to reach spiritual enlightenment.


"It's the best decision I've ever made," she said. "I think the point of it is that it is work, but it's purging out all of the sufferings that we carry through."

The 27-year-old said the experience made her realise she hasn't been authentic on camera, referencing a fake persona she created for her job.

"The truth is, I feel as though I was pretty inauthentic for a while on the internet," she explained. "And in order to create a healthy relationship with you guys with this. It was pretty evident to me that I needed to come forward with honesty, transparency, and truth and this is the truth. This is where I've been this is what matters to me right now."

She added, "Right now my priority is to put this out there and move forward with my life. Someone wise said to me recently that we have to let go of outcomes and focus on our intentions and trust that our intentions will guide us. And that's what I'm trying to do right now."


Listen to The Spill, Mamamia's daily entertainment podcast. Post continues after audio. 

The admission has left fans confused and sparked a series of YouTube dramas where fans interrogate her claims.

Not least because prior to her social media hiatus, Weiss went on her podcast (also called Revealing Your Secrets) and told everyone she had narrowly "escaped a cult." 

Weiss had transformed that popular video series Revealing Your Secrets into a podcast, working with a big media network. 

"They offered me a juicy, juicy paycheck," she said. "It's hard to resist that juice. It's hard. I was thirsty... So against my best judgement, I decided to go with this company and my intuition was correct as it always is. I had a really bad time working there."

"The night before [my last podcast record], I had a run in with a cult," she explained. "I went on meet up, a meditation thing. I wanted to go just for s**ts and giggles. So I told the story on the podcast."

"I told [the story] fully intentionally, knowing it would be my last episode. And I didn't know when I would post next. And that would sort of plant a seed for people to wonder where I was," she recalled. "What I did not expect was that it would mean people were going to be worried about me. I didn't maliciously want people to be concerned about my wellbeing. I wanted people to think maybe I joined a cult. I didn't think people were gonna worry. They ended up worrying. It got out of hand."

Feature Image: Instagram @ayydubs.

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