
News in 5: Twist in Queensland stabbing; Conjoined twins in Melbourne; Trump's 'scary time'.

-With AAP

1. New twist in horror Queensland stabbing as teenager is believed to have acted in “defence” of woman.

The stabbing deaths of two men in Far North Queensland are now being investigated by police as a possible act of self-defence.

Police have released teenager Dean Webber without charge as they believe he was acting in defence of a woman he had never met.

Webber, 19, was questioned by police after the fatal stabbings of two men in Alva Beach, south of Townsville. They now believe he was heroically defending 29-year-old Candice Locke after she knocked on his door for help.

His home in on the corner of Topton and Torilla Streets was the scene of a bloody brawl early on Monday morning.

9News report police said Locke hysterically knocked on Webber’s door while nursing a dislocated shoulder from an earlier assault. She pleaded for him to let her inside as she feared for her safety.

Soon after, Tom Davy, 27, and local father-of-three Corey Christensen, 37, banged on Webber’s door. It is believed they then stormed the house and a scuffle broke out.

Tom Davy Corey Christensen
Tom Davy and Corey Christensen. Images: Facebook.

Davy and Christensen were stabbed and died in the street, police sources said. Both were unknown to Webber.

Locke was taken to hospital with a dislocated shoulder and it is believed she is still in shock. Police hope to speak with her further.

She knew one of the men but the extent of their relationship is unclear.

Detective Inspector Chris Lawson said the investigation was "complex" and police were still trying to confirm what had happened prior to the stabbing.

Addressing the media yesterday, Lawson said the scene was "harrowing".

He said the police investigation was still ongoing.

2. Conjoined 14-month-old twins arrive in Melbourne ahead of life-changing surgery.


Conjoined toddlers Nima and Dawa have spent their first night in Australia as they await complex separation surgery.

The Bhutan-born twins, 14-months-old, arrived in Melbourne on Tuesday and will undergo a series of tests at the Royal Children's Hospital in preparation for their marathon procedure.

The girls, who are joined at the torso, have recently been starting to get "a little frustrated with each other", according to Children First Foundation chief executive Elizabeth Lodge, who led the drive to bring the twins to Australia.


"The girls are losing weight. They've been in hospital in recent weeks getting some extra nutrition," she said.

The aim is to separate the girls in a single surgery, hospital head paediatric surgeon Joe Crameri told reporters.

"We know the areas we are going to have to focus on are the bowel and the liver," he said.

It will be several months after surgery before the girls will be able to return to Bhutan.

3. Queensland man found guilty of encouraging his wife to take her own life.


Jennifer Morant lived her final years in debilitating pain but instead of comforting her, her husband sacrificed her in his plot for wealth and religious status.

Graham Robert Morant, 69, was the sole beneficiary of Ms Morant's three life insurance policies totalling $1.4 million when she took her own life on the Gold Coast in November 2014.

Morant persuaded her over months to take her life by telling her the money would go toward a commune in the Gold Coast hinterland where he would be pastor which would provide a haven from the biblical rapture.

The rapture was imminent and it would be better off if she wasn't around for it due to her condition, Morant told his wife.

Ms Morant lived with chronic back pain and found even the most simple everyday tasks difficult.

"I had such a zest and zeal to live. She had such a zest and zeal to die," Morant told police in an interview.

But she did not have a terminal illness.

Those close to her claimed she did not want to kill herself and was scared by his pressure on her to do so.

Her best friend Johanna Cornelia Dent said she felt the only way to escape death was to win the lottery.

Morant told his wife her suicide would not be a sin in God's eyes because of the financial benefit to their church, Ms Morant's sister Lynette Anne Lucas told a Brisbane Supreme Court jury.


He said she would be too weak to survive the rapture, Ms Lucas testified.

He knew how she could do it painlessly, the trial heard.

The jury deliberated for a day-and-a-half before finding Morant guilty on Tuesday of aiding and counselling his wife to commit suicide.

Members of the public gallery burst into tears after the verdict was handed down.

"The truth came out in the end," Ms Lucas told reporters outside court. "I think it's closure for Jenny."

Morant was denied bail before his October 19 sentencing, despite Justice Peter Davis accepting he is a low risk to the community and had never breached his bail conditions.

A jail sentence for Morant is "inevitable", but Justice Davis indicated he may wholly or partially suspend the sentence based on the strength of submissions.

If you need support, you are urged to call 1800 RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or Lifeline on 13 11 14.

4. Donald Trump says it's a "very scary time for young men in America".


President Donald Trump said allegations of sexual misconduct against his US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh showed that "it's a very scary time for young men in America" who now may be presumed guilty even when innocent.

Five days after a Senate hearing in which a university professor, Christine Blasey Ford, detailed her sexual assault allegation against Kavanaugh, Trump seemed to raise the issue of false accusations against men.

The fight over Kavanaugh's nomination comes against the backdrop of the #MeToo movement fighting sexual harassment and assault that has toppled a succession of powerful men.

Under pressure from moderate fellow Republicans, Trump on Friday ordered an FBI investigation lasting up to a week into the allegations against his nominee.


But speaking outside the White House on Tuesday, Trump said: "My whole life, I've heard you're innocent until proven guilty. But now, you're guilty until proven innocent. That is a very, very difficult standard."

"Well, I say that it's a very scary time for young men in America when you can be guilty of something that you may not be guilty of.

"What's happening here has much more to do than even the appointment of a Supreme Court justice. It really does.

"You could be somebody that was perfect your entire life, and somebody could accuse you of something. It doesn't necessarily have to be a woman," Trump said.

Ford testified last Thursday that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in 1982 when they were high school students in Maryland. Kavanaugh denied the accusation, as well as claims by two other women of sexual misconduct in the 1980s.

Republican Senator Jeff Flake, who approved Kavanaugh only after requesting the FBI conduct an investigation of the sexual misconduct allegations, said the nomination would end if the probe found the nominee had lied in his Senate testimony.

"I don't think you should lie to Congress," Trump said on Tuesday. "There have been a lot of people over the last year that have lied to Congress, and to me that would not be acceptable."

Republicans control the Senate by a 51-49 margin. That means if all the Democrats vote against Kavanaugh, Trump could not afford to have more than one Republican oppose his nominee, with Vice President Mike Pence casting a tie-breaking vote.


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday each senator will get a copy of the FBI's report on its investigation.

"But here's what we know ... one thing for sure. The Senate will vote on Judge Kavanaugh here, on this floor, this week," McConnell told the chamber."

5. A second national advertising campaign to stop family violence is being launched.

Parents and role models are being urged to consider what children might learn from their words and actions as part of a national campaign aimed at reducing domestic violence.

The first instalment of a "Stop it at the Start" campaign to reduce violence against women and children has been viewed more than 43 million times since 2016.

Research suggests more than two-thirds of adults who saw the campaign took action and started to change their attitudes towards abuse.

A second phase is now being launched on the sidelines of a two-day national summit in Adelaide looking at practical ways to stop family violence.

Minister for Women Kelly O'Dwyer said the campaign was crucial to understanding the link between disrespect and shocking rates of violence against women.

One in six women have experienced physical or sexual violence by a current or former partner since the age of 15.


The figure increases to nearly one-in-four women when violence by boyfriends, girlfriends and dates is included.

Disturbingly, one-in-four young people say they are prepared to excuse violence from a partner.

"This is a cycle of violence that starts with disrespect," Ms O'Dwyer told AAP on Wednesday.

"Throwaway comments like 'it's just boys being boys' or 'he did it because he likes you' can make young people think disrespect is a normal part of growing up.

"We need to ask ourselves - is that what we meant?"

Ms O'Dwyer said it was important to remember how much of a powerful influence adult behaviour could be on young people.

Almost eight women were hospitalised each day from assaults by current or former spouses or domestic partners in 2014-15, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.

Minister for Families Paul Fletcher said the human cost of violence against women and children was incalculable.

"Each of us can play a role by intervening when we see disrespectful behaviour, or talking to our kids about respectful relationships," Mr Fletcher said.

The national advertising campaign will air across various platforms from this Sunday.

If you need support, you are urged to call 1800 RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or Lifeline on 13 11 14.

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