
A 13-year-old boy has died after cheese was forced on him by school bullies.

Karanbir Cheema, 13, fell seriously ill during a morning tea break at his west London school.

The boy, known as Karan to his friends, managed to make it to the school office where his medication for his severe allergies was kept.

But by the time paramedics arrived at the school, he was in a life-threatening condition, the Evening Standard reported.

Rushed to Great Ormond Street hospital, Karan remained in care for 10 days, before he passed away on Sunday.

Now his devastated family is desperate for answers after a fellow pupil was arrested on suspicion of Karan’s attempted murder.


Police believe the student, aware of Karan’s dairy allergy, “flicked a piece of cheese” at him during the morning break, which landed in his mouth.

On the day Karan was rushed to hospital, a fellow school student reportedly tweeted, “How can two idiots in my school stuff cheese down someone’s throat knowing that they’re allergic to it?”

Karan’s heartbroken father, Amarjeet Cheema, 53, told Evening Standard how he had watched his “kind and gentle” boy die in hospital. “We were in hospital. I had to watch him die. No parent should have to go through that,” he said.


“Now we want answers. How could this have happened?

“My son had allergies but he was very careful. He had an allergy to dairy products but was good at avoiding them.”

Karan’s parents don’t understand how just a small piece of choose hitting their son in the face could have lead to his death. “It doesn’t make any sense. We have been told very little,” Cheema said.

Karan’s mother, Rina, told Daily Mail that her son wasn’t shy about telling people about his allergies.

Karanbir Cheema. (Image: Facebook/Jas Jassal.)

"Everyone would have known about his allergies," she said. "If anyone was to sit next to him with something he was allergic to he would tell them."

She also recalled the final time she spoke to her son. "When you say goodbye to your son you do not expect you do not expect it to be the last goodbye," she said. "He said to his granddad, 'I will see you after school.' Those were his words.

"I was not ready cut the apron strings yet. Nobody can take me away from my son."

The family remembered the teen as a promising maths student who had dreams of becoming a computer engineer.

"We were so proud of him. He had a very bright future," his father said. "There are a million things he could have done with his life.

"He was a bright, bright boy. He was kind and gentle. We are just devastated."

Detectives have bailed the 13-year-old arrested in connection with the boy's death until late July.

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