
All it takes is peanuts.

This Christmas, girl power can rebuild a broken community– but we need your help. All it takes is PEANUTS.

While a packet of peanuts may seem worthless, for families released from the war camps less than 1 month ago in Northern Sri Lanka, peanuts could literally be the beginning of a new life. This year buy a Christmas gift that will literally change a life and transform a community. All it takes is peanuts

 All it takes is peanuts –

Three years after the end of the brutal and devastating war in Sri Lanka, families are only now returning back to their homes. But they are returning with nothing but the clothes on their back.

Palmera has committed to providing 150 families with peanut and cowpea grains, and assistance to farm the land – all before Christmas. Palmera will support ploughing of the land and fencing so that farming can begin.

The project is that simple. With just a packet of peanut grains and a lending hand, these families can earn an income of around 30,000 Rs (about AUS$200) this season.

Look at what a packet of peanuts can do:

– Provides immediate relief to 150 families by enabling farming of peanuts and cowpeas for an income


– With this income, these families can access food, shelter and clean water

– The grains selected do not require much water so farmers can grow crops regardless of access to water (rain water is sufficient)

– A regular income will also assist these families to gain confidence, become self-sufficient and slowly develop an economy for this new community

For gifts a specially designed e-card will be distributed on the donor’s behalf to the recipient.

With Palmera, your tax deductible investments go a long way. We spend less than 1% of our funds on administration.

Help a family start a new life today!

Visit to find out more and invest.

The Back Story

In 2009, Sri Lanka saw the end of one of the most brutal civil wars that lasted over 30 years.

With many men killed in battle, the war left widows on their own, responsible for young children and relatives. These widows, their children as well as other families were held in refugee camps with other internally displaced persons (IDP’s).

In September around 300 families were finally returned back to their village of Pudukudiyiruppu that had been devastated by war. These families left the camps with just the clothes on their back, and nothing more.


For many of these women and families, this Christmas will be far from festive. The village has no basic amenities: limited access to water, food and shelter.

Yet despite all of this, these families are not without hope. They were farmers prior to the war, and have the commitment and skills to continue farming. They simply do not have sufficient funds to acquire grains, and the land in this village is presently not appropriate for farming.


About Palmera

Palmera is committed to innovating for sustainable livelihoods.

We invest and build capabity to build livelihood and social businesses in Sri Lanka and Cambodia. Palmera works with the vulnerable, those impacted by war, natural disasters and poverty.

Palmera is 100% volunteer base so our administration is less than 1%!

We are privately funded so we thank you for your continued support – with you, we would not be able to continue to do the work we do.

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