There’s a universal and inherent human fear that if we throw a party, no-one will come and we will spend our days resenting the invention of Netflix for turning humans into lazy, effortless friends.
For some it’s a fear, for others, a reality. And Alicia Silverstone is living it right now.
The Clueless star-turned-wellness-advocate-turned-anti-vaxx-campaigner visited Sydney last week and decided to meet up with fans of her Kind Life blog as a means of connecting “in person”.
In an email to fans, Silverstone’s management wrote they were “trying to organise a kind life meetup so Alicia can connect in person with you all”.
Although management did acknowledge they wanted the meeting to be “low-key” and they didn’t specify how many people they considered “all” to be, we assume it may have a tad more than the eight people the Daily Telegraph reports turned up to chat with Silverstone about all things vegan and living an “eco-friendly” life.
Although once a 90s acting superstar, the mother-of-one has turned into a science skeptic and anti-vaxxer, criticised by doctors and parents for igniting dangerous, and often baseless ideas including tampons may cause infertility, eating plants can cure MS, and vaccines are dangerous.