reality tv

We've noticed something a little odd about the newly released Bachelorette contestants.

To keep up to date with The Honey Badger, AKA Nick Cummins, and all the best Bachelor 2018 news, cast and roses, check out our Bachelor hub. It’s a blast.

Gather ’round Bachelor community, for Ali Oetjen’s potential love interests have been released ahead of the season premiere this Wednesday, October 10. There is precisely 18 of them, and awkwardly, a number of them look a lot like previous Bachelor stars.

As usual, we’ve been given each bachelor’s name, age, and state of residence.


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MEET THE BACHELORS: Introducing the men of The Bachelorette for 2018. #BacheloretteAU

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At first glance we notice a few things: the men range in age from 23-42, there are three Daniels, and there is a man who is the Honey Badger obviously coming back for another chance after failing in his own season of The Bachelor. But he is now called Ben and is from the Northern Territory. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Upon frantically zooming in to get a closer look at each suitors face, we notice there is also a man named Charlie, who has an uncanny resemblance to Sasha Mielczarek.

Charlie was also one of the men who got a single shot published on The Bachelorette Instagram, meaning Channel Ten wants us to know about him and we therefore conclude that he will make it far in this season. Like Sasha Mielczarek, who won Sam Frost’s season of The Bachelorette (but have since broken up), he is a builder, in his early thirties and is also from NSW.

They’re basically the same person. And we…kinda love it.


There is also Todd, who Channel Ten describe as a “charismatic Sales Rep [who] is ready to find his happ-Ali ever after”.


The last man to have their single shot published is Dan, a sports presenter from Western Australia who is 32 years old.


Channel Ten has also released a promotional video with the boys talking about ‘the bro code’, and the boys inevitably breaking it… because how do you date a woman who is also dating the other 17 men that you live with, without breaking ‘the bro code’???


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THE BRO CODE: The one rule a Bachelor should never break… until now. ???? #BacheloretteAU 7.30 Wednesday

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