reality tv

The sign that Ali Oetjen might "pull a Honey Badger" in the Bachelorette finale.




It seems history might be about to repeat itself.

You see, on Wednesday night Ali Oetjen will meet 16 potential suitors on the steps of the Bachelor mansion.

The aim of the game is that she’ll end up with one of the handsome fellas and Osher will once again believe in true love.

However, there is a chance we might not get our happy ending… again.

Listen to us unpack that crazy finale on Bach Chat…

In case you missed it, this year’s Bachelor Nick “Honey Badger” Cummins didn’t choose either of his two final contestants.

Instead, he walked away single. He then went and hiked the Kokoda Track instead of facing the media.

This be where the plot thickens.

When Cosmopolitan asked Ali whether she would “pull a Honey Badger” in the finale episode, she replied: “It is a huge coincidence but I want to do Kokoda as well”.

Um… what?

While you could put that down to a misunderstood joke – Ali did hint to Mamamia that she was worried she might end up in the same boat as Nick.


“It was a week before I was going to go in and I thought ‘Oh my gosh… what if there’s not that guy in there?’. And then there was a lot of pressure on myself because I have to get this right,” she explained. 

“I mean there was some pressure at the start, at the same time, with me thinking I don’t want to settle for anyone so I was scared… what if there isn’t that Mr Right in there?

“Like exactly what Nick has gone through. I thought about that all before I even went in.”

Ali also told Mamamia she was worried that the men would walk out of the show, like several of the women did to the Honey Badger.

“I was terrified they would leave because they wouldn’t find it real enough,” she said.

“I was so worried. I couldn’t express to them enough how much this means to me, that I’m in this for the right reasons, I’m genuine and I really want to find a man that I can fall in love with and hopefully be with forever.” 

When asked about the finale, Ali said she couldn’t express “how emotional it was”.

So good emotional or… bad emotional?

We guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

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