reality tv

Errr... Leah from The Bachelor has some pretty cruel things to say about Ali Oetjen.


In the wake of Ali Oetjen’s appearance on Bachelor in Paradisewhich saw her fall in love with LA-based firefighter Grant Kemp, a very controversial rumour started to circulate.

The 32-year-old, who had just been announced as Australia’s next Bachelorette, had allegedly cheated on Grant during a night in LA. Speaking to Kyle and Jackie O in May, Grant said he went outside his apartment to let a guest in, and when he returned, he found Ali cheating on him with his friend.

“He was going down on her on my stairs,” he told the radio hosts.

Ahead of The Bachelorette premiere, Ali told Mamamia, “What Grant is saying about me is just horrible”.

“I feel like he’s definitely just someone who’s trying to ride this wave and get his name in the headlines all the time and he’s succeeding.

“I feel sorry for him,” she said.

Now, a fellow Bachelor in Paradise contestant has publicly weighed in on the rumours, in a series of since-deleted comments.

Leah Costa, who went on a date with Grant Kemp before Ali on the reality show, joined a conversation on the official Bachelorette Instagram account, calling Ali “fake”.

In response to a post about contestant Nathan Favro, who openly discussed the rumours about Ali and Grant with other contestants on The Bachelorette, and was confronted by Ali last Thursday night, one person commented: “He soon [sic] deserved to go, her past is none of his business full stop let alone to talk about with the other guys, he already showed he had no respect for her.”

Image via Instagram.
Image via Instagram.
Image via Instagram.
Image via Instagram.

"She has no respect for herself," Leah replied.

When fans of the show asked Leah if she got along with Ali (which she clearly... doesn't), she wrote, "We did until Grant Kemp rang me devastated".

"The fake innocent stepford wife thing is sad. You are what you are so own it."

Others accused Leah of being jealous, to which she responded, "haha what am I jealous of the plastic in her face/tits or the fake personality".


Leah has since deleted the comments, which seems... appropriate.

Listen to Clare and Jessie Stephens debrief on the last week of The Bachelorette on The Recap. Post continues after audio. 

It does seem, however, that Leah was in some way involved in the whole Ali/Grant situation, given that Grant also mentions her in leaked text messages about the cheating scandal.

The night The Bachelorette premiered, the Daily Mail published text messages from March between Grant and Ali, ostensibly in an attempt to provide evidence of Ali's cheating.

After a text from Ali that reads, "I'll miss you everyday and I hate myself so much. If I ever look happy in the coming months, I'm faking it. I just want you back," she writes, "You called Leah!? I didn't even think you were on speaking terms with her."

Somehow... we're thinking it's the same Leah.

All we want is an objective account of what the hell happened that night in LA, but it's looking less and less like a possibility.

That's what happens as soon as Osher leaves. Everyone starts misbehaving.

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