reality tv

Err... Ali and Taite might be about to call it quits for a very unexpected reason.


This is a doozy.

Apparently Ali and Taite might be about to call it quits and it all has to do with Taite’s… beard.

Yep, according to a New Idea source, Taite feels trapped in their relationship and would like to walk away. He’s particularly miffed that Ali won’t let him grow his beard back. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

“He has quickly realised how demanding Ali is when it comes to managing the public’s perception of her and, of course, that now includes their relationship too. Taite is at his wits’ end and just wants out,” the source who’s quite possibly Bill and/or Charlie said.

“At one point Taite wanted to grow his beard back and when Ali noticed she was furious with him,” the source told the publication.

“She basically told him that he couldn’t do anything like that without permission and that his stubble suited their brand so he had to keep it.”



According to New Idea, Ali also expects Taite to check in by phone hourly and to have any outfits pre-approved before public outings.

This isn’t the first time it’s been rumoured that the reality TV couple is working hard at maintaining their “brand”.


Last week, an email between Taite and a talent manager was leaked and it was a lil’ bit cringe-y.

The leaked email, which was sent to the Daily Telegraph by an anonymous high-profile talent manager, sees Taite trying to sell Ali and himself as a good match for professional representation.

Which seems like a completely reasonable thing to do except Taite’s email was filled with spelling errors.


So much so, that the talent manager in question even told the Daily Telegraph that they were less than impressed with Taite’s email.

“As a manager who has been in the game a long time, I was shocked at the poorly worded inquiry, which was riddled with spelling mistakes,” they said.

Taite’s email read:

“Across both our pages combined we had close to 2milion [sic] visits over 7 days.

“Being both into Heath [sic] and fitness, we’re both looking at getting some good management to help strengthen our brand.

“We are currently getting offers but are unsure how to handel [sic] them.”

People have also accused the couple of faking their relationship to stay in the public eye.

Fans believe the pair’s over-the-top makeout sessions are simply for the cameras and that the couple’s constant lovey-dovey Instagram posts are all just a publicity stunt.

A “friend” of Taite also reportedly suggested that the couple’s relationship wasn’t genuine.

“Taite is only sticking around to get his Instagram numbers up and enjoy the perks of paid posts and free holidays,” the “source” told New Idea.

“As soon as that starts to dry up, he will be gone.”

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