When you’ve got a bloke choosing between two lovely ladies on national television, it’s inevitable some people are going to disagree with his decision. But few could have predicted the size and ferocity of the backlash from Team Nikki when Richie picked Alex on last night’s finale.
(After all, the way Richie feels is irrelevant, right?)
This morning the new couple spoke first the first time about the hate Australians have for their love during an appearance on KIIS FM’s Kyle and Jackie O Show.
“You know at the end of the day this was Richie’s journey to find who he’s going to fall in love with,” said single mum Alex.
“It’s completely understandable that people fell in love with Nikki as well, because how could you not. She’s a gorgeous, gorgeous girl.”
That wasn’t enough to appease one caller, who unleashed her displeasure on the loved-up pair.
“Congratulations Richie, you’re the most hated man in the country.”
Oooh. No she didn’t!
“Why do you hate me?” Bach hit back.
“You let Nikki on. You made her believe she had a chance. You should have at least had the balls to do an Olena and tell her right up front she wasn’t going to win,” said the ticked-off caller.
As Kyle gently (ha!) pointed out, that probably wouldn’t have made for particularly gripping television.
“That’s not how the show works,” agreed Alex.
“You do realise you’re watching a TV show called The Bachelor, where I date 25 women?” chimed Richie.
“I completely understand that. But…” the caller said.
“Well clearly not,” said Richie. “But nah, it’s all good darl. Well done.”
It’s okay, Richie. No need to be nice.