
Alex Nation's ex-husband Joel has broken his silence over criticism of her parenting.

After Alex Nation appeared on The Bachelor, her ex-partner never expected to be thrown into the spotlight.

However, the history between Alex and Joel Porter has been subject to much public interest since she captured the heart of Richie Strahan.

Alex’s parenting skills and involvement with their five-year-old son, Elijah, was criticised by commenters who jumped to the conclusion she was spending all her time with Richie.

These beliefs were only intensified when photos were published by Joel’s now-partner, Ashy, that appeared to imply Alex only looked to be a good parent on Instagram.

Things only worsened when another media outlet found comments by Joel’s sister, Kimberley, seeming to shame Alex.

You have to look at more photos of little Lijey. Images via Instagram. (Post continues after gallery.)

Commenting on one of Ashy’s photos, Kimberley wrote, “I am so relieved my nephew finally has a loving, attentive, maternal figure at home…”

“That kid has a fiercely protective family, & someone insincere would never get our tick of approval.”

Now, after his sister has been thrown in the public spotlight, Joel has for the first time said his side.

“This has certainly been an interesting and confusing, at times frustrating experience for all of us,” he wrote on Instagram after being asked by a follower.

“She [Kimberley] never expected it to be found by journalists and have a story built around it.. Fame isn’t what any of us want…but the media push these articles and build more negativity into it, by using words to create tones that aren’t always there. It’s been crazy! I just want everyone to be happy, I want what’s best for everyone, and I just want to protect and look after my little boy. He’s number one!”

This face is the instant cure for sadness #smile #happiness

A photo posted by jtporter (@jtporter) on


Alex has commented very little on the speculation, but after being hounded by one media outlet, she wrote on Instagram she would do anything for her son.

“My little boy is everything to me. I know who I am and I know what kind of mother I am so [critics] don’t bother me.”

The 25-year-old has also embraced her post-baby body on Instagram with uplifting comments to followers.

Writing to one fan, she said, “I am sure your body is just perfect, every one is different. And you know what, mummy marks are other little imperfections are just so worth it when you have your amazing little creating your arms, so worth it!”

Regardless of the internal complexities that may or may not occur in any blended family, we hope for only the best for Joel, Alex and Elijah. This little boy has two adoring parents and he is clearly surrounded by love, and that is the most important part for any child.

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