
Alessandra Ambrosio just showed us the lengths celebs will go to for the perfect selfie.

Victoria’s Secret models have a certain knack for nailing the ‘perfect’ selfie. Their Instagram feeds are filled with luminous, perfectly-lit self portraits taken from all the right angles.

If your own selfie attempts make you look pallid/shadowy/fatigued, you’re probably wondering how those Angels do it. Is it simply good genes? Is it the pro makeup? Have they installed mini lamps inside their faces to make their skin glow (literally)?

Well, we finally have an answer, and it’s all thanks to Alessandra Ambrosio’s latest Instagram post.

Last night, the 34-year-old shared the following photo, taken from her “lab” in Berlin (she’s on a #europeantour, apparently).

At first glance, it was just your regular, candid happy snap.

However, if you can pull your eyes away from her beautiful, other-worldly face for a moment, take a look in the mirror. Go on, look closer:

The mirror never lies.


As you can see, Ambrosio has employed the help of not one but two lamps either side of her phone to ensure flattering lighting.

The image quality is a little dodgy, but it appears the model's phone is actually on some kind of stand and she's outstretched her arm to keep the lights in place.

We're assuming Ambrosio didn't mean for us to see this behind-the-scenes infrastructure, but she's not the first selfie-snapper to be foiled by an inconveniently-placed mirror.

Ahh, reflective surfaces: shattering social media optical illusions since Instagram was invented.


If this is any indication of the care and forethought celebrities put into their "perfect" selfies, it certainly explains why ours look so dull and, well, slightly less flawless in comparison. (Post continues after gallery.)

Look, we're not criticising Alessandra Ambrosio for wanting to look picture-perfect. It's just that our idea of "making an effort" was putting on a bit of lippie and maybe concealer (okay, definitely concealer) before whipping out our phones for a solo photoshoot.

Ha! How naive we were.

Apparently, we weren't the only ones whose eyes were drawn to Ambrosio's curious phone-lighting solution. A number of her followers were clearly amused/impressed by the effort:


While we're here talking about Alessandra Ambrosio, it's worth mentioning the formerly long-haired supermodel has just had a significant chop.

She shared a progress shot of her new collarbone-grazing style yesterday (below), and the final result is visible in the 'lighting scandal' selfie. Delightful!



For what it's worth, we can't spot any funny business in that mirror — but we'll definitely be keeping a close eye on Ambrosio's future 'grams. Who knows what other insider tricks we'll pick up?

What's the most ridiculous thing you've done to achieve the "perfect" selfie?

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