
The NSW town sharing brilliant acts of kindness.

Image: iStock.

We all get a bit grizzly in the lead up to Christmas. There are presents and food supplies to be bought, family politics to navigate, events to get through, end-of-year work to finalise… and all within the space of a few weeks. It’s no wonder nerves get a bit frayed in December.

If even reading that sentence makes your blood pressure rise, there’s a Facebook community you need to check out right now.

It’s called ‘Albury Wodonga Random Acts of Kindness‘, and its aim is to reinstate faith in humanity — and to encourage others to pay it forward. “We want to show how a small gesture can make someone’s day. And it has started with a large coffee,” the page states.

Since the page was set up in June, residents of the Albury-Wodonga region in NSW have been swapping their tales of kindness from local strangers — and trust us, these anecdotes will warm even the most hardened hearts. Here are some of the most recent entries.

Random acts of kindness

“Last night around 7:30 I hear voices in my front yard, so I go out and there are three guys (beer in hand) who say, “Hey, we were just weeding our mate’s yard, can we do yours for you while we are on a roll?” My husband is very unwell and I suffer chronic health issues, so there were weeds a plenty. I thought they would just do the small garden at the front but they even pulled weeds out of my lawn and did my whole back yard too! The whole time they were laughing and having a ball. Very strange moment, but what a beautiful gesture from strangers … Thanks guys.” – Jo

“My son and I were the recievers of a Random Act of Kindness this morning when two lovely ladies at the cinema shared a complimentary pass with us as I was buying the tickets. They didn’t know that my young man has Autism, that he was having a mental health day due to high anxiety, that he had been really looking forward to seeing Hotel Transylvania 2, and that instead of taking him on the holidays when the cinemas were full and overwhelming for him we had a day off school and went today. It was random, and kind, and he really enjoyed the movie. So thank you, ladies.”Jen


Watch: Here are 14 good habits that might get your day off to a better start. (Post continues after video.)

“Today I picked a lay-by up from your Lavington NSW store. When I got home I realised that part of it was not given to me. I rang the store to tell them and was not very happy as I have a six month old and don’t have time to drive back there to pick the missing presents up. The lady I spoke to said she could drop it off to my house when she finished her shift.

She arrived with my items and a box of chocolates to make up for the mistake! I was so grateful that she could drop it off but the chocolates were an added bonus. I don’t remember her name unfortunately but she works in the lay-by department and finished work at three pm. She went above and beyond to rectify the mistake and I am very grateful! Thank you Big W for the great customer service you have provided.” – Brienna-Paige, sent to Big W

"She arrived with my items and a box of chocolates to make up for the mistake."


"I experienced a Random Act of Kindness today at Payless Shoes at Lavington. A very kind customer insisted on paying the $2 for the shoelaces I was buying for my daughter when I realised I didn't have the cash in my wallet. She did this to save me from having to go the ATM and come back. Then, the lovely sales assistant refused to take her money and said she would pay! The two of them stood there arguing over who would pay for my shoelaces and wished me a Merry Christmas! Amazing! I fully intend to pay this kind act forward and was very touched by their kindness. Thank you whoever you are, I really hope karma is kind to you both." - Peta 

"I would like to give a big shout out to the lovely Megan at Albury City Council. On Thursday she found a lump sum of cash that someone had lost. She took the time to track down who the money belonged to and returned it. If only there were more kind people in the world like you Megan!" - Dani (Post continues after gallery.)

"I just want to thank the man and his family who pulled over to see if I was ok last night. My car has met its last moments last night and was blowing a lot of smoke. You gave me a lift to where I needed to go to make sure I was safe. Don't know you, doubt I'll ever ever see you again, but if by chance you see this post: thank you." - Lauren

What's that? We're not crying. You're crying.

Have you ever encountered a random act of kindness? Tell us everything.

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