reality tv

EXCLUSIVE: I'm a Celeb's Ajay and Yvie on what it's really like being "larger ladies" on reality TV.

In tonight’s episode of I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here an honest and eye-opening discussion around body image and women on TV takes place amidst all the jungle craziness.

Contestants Ajay Rochester, author and former host of the reality weight-loss series The Biggest Loser, and former Gogglebox Australia star Yvie Jones talk about how their weight has affected their job opportunities in the past and how they were surprised that two “larger women” were allowed to appear on the show together.

In an exclusive clip ahead of tonight’s I’m a Celebrity episode Ajay rightly points out to Yvie, “When you came in (to the show), I was like oh wow, this has never happened before. Because it’s always the one fat girl and everyone else is gorgeous. Tell me when it’s ever been two girls?”

To which Yvie comments directly to the camera, “Ajay was very surprised that we’re the first time two larger ladies are on a TV show. That there’s always only one. I mean apart from The Biggest Loser, where there’s a lot and that’s the whole point.”

Watch the exclusive clip ahead of I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here airing on Network Ten tonight. 

Video by Network Ten

Their honest conversation highlights a problem that sadly runs through all strains of media, but is incredibly prevalent on Australian TV.

It’s the idea that women who sit outside the idealised body type either appear on our screens in a token capacity only, where one is thrown in just to fill a particular diversity quota, or they fail to appear at all unless the show is directly centred on weight loss.

As both Ajay and Yvie have worked within the media and TV space for many years they would both be well equipped to discuss the prejudices and challenges women face from the public on a daily basis when they dare to step into the spotlight.

But, as Ajay says, “We’re not that we’re different to any of the girls, but to people out there. It’s different.”

Let’s hope that having these women on TV together works toward changing this conversation.

I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here will air tonight on Network Ten at 7.30pm.

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