real life

Man who got revenge on a woman who let her dog poo at the airport fears he went too far.

Comedian Steve Hofstetter took revenge on a woman who let her dog poo in an busy LAX terminal – but did he go too far?

Hofstetter was waiting to board a flight to Tokyo when he witnessed a woman allowing her dog to poo in the crowded terminal.

The woman – who had her back to her dog at the time – and was Facetiming someone, ignored several people’s suggestions that she should clean up the mess.

“Some people are just so damn rude,” she told her Facetime companion, before grabbing her dog and disappearing into the crowd.

The US based comedian took to his Facebook page to tell his story.

Hofstetter explained that after the woman ignored his pleas for her to clean up the mess, he sat down beside her and told her that she was waiting for the wrong flight, informing her that the flight at that gate was actually going to London, not her destination of Tokyo.

What happened next was more than what the comedian expected.

“I figured I could give her a little moment of panic as payback for how terribly she was treating everyone. I didn’t predict what would happen next. She grabbed her bags and her dog in a huff, and stormed out of the gate without even checking. She was so self-involved, she didn’t notice that the monitor at our gate still said Tokyo and almost everyone at the gate was Japanese,” he wrote.

“Pets are not your kids” on Mamamia Out Loud. 

“Based on her actions, she believed me that the flight had been moved, so she’s also an asshole for not thanking me. ‘Some people,’ I thought as I watched her rush away from the gate without stopping her, ‘are just so damned rude’.”

Hofstetter went on to explain that he didn’t see the woman or her dog on the flight to Tokyo, so he assumes she must have missed it.

In his Facebook post the comedian asked whether he had gone too far.

Many disagreed, commenting: “Would have been icing on cake if someone could have scooped up poo in a napkin and pressed it into her hand saying excuse me ma’am, you left something behind!”

What do you think? Would you take revenge on someone who behaved like this?

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