
The moment after the West Coast Eagles' grand final win that showed pure class.


We’re going to hazard a guess that there are a few of you out there with sore heads this morning.

(I’m DEFINITELY not one of them, that would be terribly unprofessional).

It’s the Sunday of a long weekend for one, but it also happens to be grand final weekend.

You know what that means?


And for Eagles fans, whose team won the nail-biting match by five points against Collingwood yesterday, more beers.

But as West Coast fans cleared out of the MCG post-match to revel into the night, the players were caught celebrating in a very different way.

They stayed behind and cleaned the change rooms.

Player Luke Shuey held a beer-filled Esky for his teammates – including Thomas Cole, Chris Masten, Mark LeCras and William Rioli – as they picked up rubbish before heading out to do whatever footy players do when they win a grand final match.



At the risk of sounding like an 80-year-old woman wearing an Eagles scarf while watching the news in her loungeroom over a cuppa, probably with a cat somewhere in the equation, what bloody lovely young men.

I could barely get past housemates to clean the dirty dishes in the sink.

The clean-up came after an, erm, awkward presentation speech by coach Adam Simpson.

“I’m just so proud of the group, being the frontline of the footy club in that sense and it’s taken us a few years … someone farted just then at the back, who was that?” Simpson said as laughter erupted, because LOL farts are hilarious.

Jack Redden was thought to be the culprit, but he denied it.

While we all know whoever denied it supplied it, the investigation into who is responsible for breaking wind during the speech (there’s that 80-year-old woman again) continues.

Now if only I could get someone to clean my lounge room after last night…


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